Chapter 7 - A Lesson in Vengeance

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Arthur, Isabelle, Ava and Merlin were going for a picnic. Arthur looked around. “This is nice isn't it? Just the two of us.”

“Well, four of us.” Isabelle comment, looking at Ava and Merlin.

Arthur shrugged. “Merlin? Ava? Merlin doesn't count.”

“I don't count?” Merlin scoffed. Arthur glared at him. “Not here. Not actually speaking right now.”

“Are you making a joke?” Ava asked. Arthur glared at her as well. “Sorry.”
Then, Arthur looked at Isabelle. “Aren't you impressed that I remembered our anniversary?”

“But you didn't remember. I reminded you over a month ago.” Isabelle replied, huffed a little.

“Yes…but I remembered that it was today…today.” Arthur comment.

“Ah!” Isabelle laughed a little.

“Actually, I did.” Merlin called.

“He did.” Ava added.

Arthur rolled with his eyes. “Shut up, Merlin!”

Isabelle, Ava and Merlin laughed. “I did!” Merlin comment. Just then, a bomb scares Arthur's horse which reared up and then runs the other way. The girth snapped making him fall off. Bandits came out of the trees and attacked Arthur. “Arthur!” Arthur started to fight the bandits. Merlin dismounted his horse. One of the bandits was about to hurt Arthur, but Merlin make his sword magically fly out of his hands. Arthur killed the last bandit.


Later, they were in the Physician’s chambers. Gaius, Arthur, Isabelle, Ava and Merlin were there as Gaius tending to Arthur's wound. “You’re very fortunate, sire. A fall like that you could have broken your neck.” He told him.

Arthur frowned. “But the men that attacked us, have they been questioned?”

“I'm sorry, sire, the wounds were fatal. We were unable to learn anything from them.” Gaius replied.

“We know one thing… it can't have been a coincidence that they were there.” Merlin comment, glancing at Ava and Isabelle.

Just then, Leon walked in. “Sire, we recovered your saddle from the forest trail. The girth has been unpicked and re-stitched. It was designed to break sire.”

“It appears, Merlin, on this single solitary occasion, maybe you're right.” Arthur comment.


Arthur was fiddling with a string as Isabelle walked in. “Arthur. I know you were fond of Tyr, but you had no choice. He was guilty.” She comment.

Arthur sighed. “Tyr Seward is a simple man. He can’t have planned this assassination himself.”

“Well, I know that's what you would like to think. We all would. But, as hard as it is to accept, even a great, and honourable king has enemies within his walls. Very often the last person you would suspect. Tyr is just such a person.” Isabelle told him.

Arthur nodded. “No, you're right. I suppose experience should have taught me that by now.”

“The important thing is he didn't succeed. I've already lost my brother I couldn't bear to lose you too.” Isabelle told him.

“I'm here, Isa. I always will be. I'll never leave you, I promise you that.” Arthur told her, seriously. Isabelle kissed Arthur's hand.


Merlin, Arthur and Isabelle were in the royal chambers. Arthur looked at Merlin in disbelief. “You went to the cells to see Tyr.”

“Yes.” Merlin nodded.

Arthur sighed. “We've been over this before, we know what he said. The evidence doesn't lie.”

“No one denies the crime sire, but the only part that Tyr played was to see it done.” Merlin told him.

“He told you this.” Arthur raised an eyebrow.

Merlin nodded. “Five minutes ago.”

“Then who was it?” Arthur asked.

“He won’t say, he's too frightened. They threatened him.” Merlin replied, but he had suspicions.

“I must speak with him, at once.” Arthur walked around Isabelle to the door. Merlin turned to follow.

Isabelle grabbed his hand. “Arthur surely it can wait. Gaius told you to rest, let your injuries heal.”

“I'll be fine Isabelle. I just want to hear what he has to say.” Arthur told her as he had opened the door.

Isabelle looked at him. “And you shall.” Arthur paused at the door. “But Tyr has said everything he is willing to say for now. He's clearly frightened and unsure of what to do-don't push him. Let him think it over and maybe after a night in the cells he'll be prepared to say more.”

Merlin looked between Isabelle and Arthur. Arthur took a moment to decide on what to do. He shut the door. “As always, Isa, you're right.” Then, he walked past Isabelle to the table by the window. Isabelle and Merlin shared a glance before she turned to follow Arthur. Merlin looked at her as she went.


Isabelle placed a burning piece of cloth in a grate that make the guards pass out so she can go down to the prison cells. When she arrived by the cell, by Tyr, she called him. “Tyr.”

Tyr looked surprised. “What are you doing here?”

“Nothing to worry about. I just want to talk.” Isabelle replied.

“I've said nothing.” Tyr comment.

“Shhhh. Come closer.” Isabelle told him. Tyr got up and walked to the door. “We don’t want to be heard, do we?” He shook his head.

“I’ve told no names. I’ve not mentioned you to anyone.” Tyr replied.

Isabelle nodded. “I believe you.”

Tyr blinked. “My mother’s safe? You’ve not harmed her?”

“Your mother is alive and well. She’s not the problem. You are.” Isabelle scoffed.

“Me?” Tyr asked.

“You see, Tyr, it’s not what you haven’t said. It’s what you may yet say.” Isabelle pulled the dagger from behind her back.

“Don’t…” Tyr was interrupted.

Isabelle stabbed him with the dagger. He fell to the floor. “Understand?” She asked as he was dead.


Isabelle runs her hand over a vine that was on a tree and smiles. She turned and walked to where Morgause was waiting for her. “Isabelle.”

“The plan failed. Arthur lives.” Isabelle told her.

“Does he suspect you?” Morgause asked.

“Not yet. But the stable hand saw me. He was going to tell them everything.” Isabelle replied.

Morgause raised an eyebrow. “Was? You have some good news then?”

“I did what had to be done.” Isabelle replied.

“With Tyr gone you have to find someone else to take the fall. When Arthur dies you have to be beyond all suspicion. You must have support of the knights only with their allegiance will your path to the throne be clear.” Morgause told her.

Isabelle sighed. “But what good is all this? Arthur’s still alive.”

“For now. By tonight you’ll have everything you need to finish the job.” Morgause told her.

“Arthur’s doubled the guard, and there are patrols night and day. I can’t risk leaving…” Isabelle trailed off.

Morgause grabbed her hands. “Isabelle. Isabelle. It is I that will come to you.” Isabelle gave her a look. A horses whinnies in the distance. A patrol approached. “Go!” Isabelle pulled her hood up and runs off. Morgause walked the other way. Gwaine turned his horse and went the way that Isabelle went. Morgause pulled him off his horse with magic. Isabelle make it out of the woods and back outside of Camelot walls. She turned and looked back. Isabelle straightened her cloak and hair and walked calmly back to the castle.


Merlin was walking the opposite way from her. Isabelle walked through a doorway. Merlin heard her and turned around. “Isabelle?” She stopped and turned around to face him. They walked toward each other. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere. Arthur’s been beside himself with worry.”

“Well, there was no need to worry, I was just walking in the meadow. Since Abel died… sometimes I just need time to myself.” Isabelle told him.

Merlin nodded. “I understand, but you should be careful. A patrol was attacked in the woods only an hour ago.”

Isabelle looked, surprised. “Oh I had no idea. Ah Thank you, Merlin. I’ll be more careful next time.” She walked away. Merlin looked after her with a concerned look on his face or one of suspicion.


Arthur was sitting at the table thinking. Isabelle stood a bit of a ways back. She walked toward him. “Arthur, are you all right?”

“What if Merlin’s right? What if Morgause did attack the patrol?” Arthur asked back.

Isabelle frowned. “Morgause?”

“She wants me dead. What better way of achieving that than conspiring with an ally with in Camelot? An ally who she couldn’t risk meeting within these walls?” Arthur asked.

Isabelle looked at him. “Who?”

“Whoever killed Tyr.” Arthur replied.

“But that doesn’t make sense. If you’re the target, why kill Tyr?” Isabelle asked.

“To protect their identity.” Arthur replied.

Isabelle nodded. “Perhaps.”

“Tyr’s killer had an intimate knowledge of the palace. Whoever they were, they must be known to me, and they must be here as we speak.” Arthur told her.

Isabelle came to sit in the chair next to Arthur. “If what you say is true, they must be found quickly.”

“And if they’re not and strike again?” Arthur asked.

“I will not let that happen. I would lay down my life to protect you.” Isabelle grabbed his hand. “You’ll find them Arthur. You and I together.” She replied.


Isabelle was walking through the town. She nodded to some knights that walk past her. She stopped at a vendor that sells cloth. An old lady was standing there. Isabelle touched one of the silk scarfs. The old lady turned around and grabbed her hand. Isabelle gasped then realized that it’s Morgause. “Just a few drops will ease your troubles, my dear. Do you understand?”

Some knights stopped next to them and talk to a woman that was sitting in a chair. Isabelle nodded. “Yes.” She glanced at the knights. “Come on.”

“Are you prepared? Have you found someone to take the fall?” Morgause asked.

“Don’t worry. I have someone in mind.” Isabelle replied. Morgause leaves.


Arthur was preparing to eat dinner. Isabelle entered as the servant finishes pouring Arthur’s wine. “Isa. I was beginning to wonder where you were.”

Isabelle looked at him. “Sorry, I had some business to attend to in town.” The servant leaves.

“I hope you have an appetite.” Arthur told her.

“Mmm. And a thirst.” Isabelle comment.

Arthur stood up to get the pitcher as she sat down. While his back was turned she poured some valerian in his drink. “What took you into town?”

“Oh, just delivering supplies to those most in need.” Isabelle replied.

Arthur poured her a drink. “Your kindness never ceases to amaze me.” She took a sip and stared at his goblet. Arthur went to take a sip of his wine and stopped. “You know, now that I think of it, we never got to have our little celebration, did we?”

“Yes, why was that?” Isabelle asked back.

“To us.” Arthur replied. They clinked goblets. Arthur took a sip of wine. He started to feel the effect of the valerian. Isabelle watched him. Arthur starting to feel worse. He closed his eyes and slumped over in his chair. Isabelle grabbed the henbane and opened it. Isabelle poured a drop of the henbane in Arthur’s ear. She recorked it and smirked. Merlin runs up and bursts into the room, he saw Arthur slouched over and Isabelle nowhere to be found.


Arthur was now on the bed. Gaius stood examining him. Isabelle and Ava stands on the other side of the bed facing Gaius with the knights and Merlin behind them. “All the evidence suggests that the King has been poisoned.”

Isabelle looked, worried. “You’re certain, Gaius?”

Gaius nodded. “Quite certain. The sweating, the corruption of the skin, the traces of tincture around the ear. They all point to the use of henbane.”

“Is there no hope?” Isabelle was upset as Ava hugged her.

Gaius looked at her. “The poison is a deadly one, my lady.” Merlin watched like a hawk from behind a bedpost. “There may be a way to arrest its course but I cannot guarantee it.”

“One thing I know for certain. That whoever did this lives among us. Whoever did this has betrayed us all.” Isabelle turned to look at the knights then back again. “Someone who is free to roam the Citadel as they please, someone who has access to the King’s stables,” Merlin thought he can tell where this was going. “the King’s prison, even the King’s food. There is only one I know of…” She turned around and looked at him. “Merlin.” He stared at her.


Isabelle was looking out the window. Gaius walks up behind her. She turned to look at him then back to the window faking being upset. Gaius can tell that Isabelle was different. “How is Arthur?”

“There is no change.” Gaius replied.

Isabelle turned and walked down a step toward Gaius. “I know how you much feel-about Merlin. You must believe me when I say how sorry I am. But the evidence against him is overwhelming.”

“You did what you had to do, Isabelle. You had no choice. I understand that.” Gaius told her.

Isabelle nodded. “Thank you. Is there no hope, Gaius? None at all?”

“I will not lie to you. Arthur’s time is nearly upon him. But until the King draws his last breath, there is always hope.” Gaius leaves. Isabelle turned back to the window. When Gaius was gone she smiled.


Isabelle was sitting next to the bed. Leon was standing behind her. “You promised you’d never leave me, Arthur. You promised. He’s our strength, our heart. How can I live without him? How can any of us live without him?”

“Because we must.” Leon stepped toward her and sat in another chair beside her. “My lady. If Arthur is to die we will lose more than that. The kingdom will lose its King.”

Isabelle looked at him. “While Arthur lives, there is still a King of Camelot.”

“But when the time comes, and it…and it will surely come soon, we need to be prepared. If we do not have a leader and a guide…Camelot and all the kingdom will be vulnerable. Everything Arthur worked so hard to achieve will be threatened. And prince Benjamin is too young.” Leon told her.

“But who could wear his crown? Benjamin is too young, indeed. And who among us is…worthy of such a thing?” Isabelle cried.

“You are, my lady.” Leon replied.

Isabelle turned to look at him. “Me?”
“You are as close to family as Arthur has. No one can deny your wisdom, your compassion and your loyalty. I am certain that were Arthur able to this decision, he would choose you. “ Leon replied.

“I don’t know what to say.” Isabelle acted surprised, but he didn’t saw it.

“I realize that this is a great responsibility, but you will not be alone. I guarantee you, myself and all the knights will stand by you. Now and forever.” Leon told her.

“Thank you, Leon. I am lucky indeed to have such friends.” Isabelle put her hand over his. She turned back to looking at Arthur. She smirked.


Later, Gwaine entered the room. “Are you all right?”

Isabelle nodded. “Yes.”

“You haven’t seen anything? Heard anything?” Gwaine asked.

Isabelle looked at him. “Nothing. Why?”

“There’s an intruder within our walls.” Gwaine replied.

Isabelle acted surprised. “Here? In the Citadel?”

Gwaine nodded. “Yes, my lady. We last saw them in the Main Square, then we lost sight of them.”

Gaius looked behind him at the curtains. “My lady, you may be in danger. Gwaine will take you to the guest chambers. He’ll ensure no harm comes to you there.”

“Why would anyone wish me harm?” Isabelle asked, frowning.

“You’re to be our leader, Isabelle. You are Camelot’s future.” Gaius replied, looking at her. “Do you imagine our enemies don’t want you dead?”

“I can’t leave Arthur, not now.” Isabelle replied. The children were with their grandparents.

“Isabelle, I promise, if there is any change. I’ll fetch you at once.” Gaius told her.

“Gaius is right. Come, my lady. You’re not safe here.” Gwaine and Isabelle leave the room.


Later, Arthur stood before the people. Isabelle at his left hand and Merlin to the right next to a column, with Ava. Sindri stood before him. “The Queen found these vials in my chambers. They bear, as you can see a distinctive mark. Thanks to her tireless effort, she has been able to trace them.” Arthur walked toward Sindri and held the vial up in front of him. “This is your mark, is it not?”

“It is my mark, yes.” Sindri replied.

“And what does this vial contain?” Arthur asked.

Sindri looked at him. “It…it’s valerian, sire.”

“What does it do?” Arthur asked.

“It renders the subject unconscious.” Sindri replied.

Arthur held up the second vial. “This one?”

“Henbane. It’s poison, my lord.” Sindri replied.

A lethal poison. And it is only thanks to the great skill of my physician that I am still alive.” Arthur told to the council members.

Sindri looked down. “I’m sorry, my lord. I… I supplied it, I must confess. But I did not know that it was intended for you. In truth, I was.. um.. was too afraid to ask.”

“Too afraid to ask who?” Arthur asked.

“She who… procured it.” Sindri replied.

Arthur looked at him. “And did you recognize this woman?”

“Well, I cannot say for certain but I believed it to be Morgause.” Sindri replied.  

Arthur nodded and the guards take him away. Arthur walked back to the throne. “Because of the Queen’s diligence, the truth has been uncovered.” Arthur took Isabelle’s hand and lead her forward. “Each and every one of us owes her a great debt. Long live the Queen.”

Isabelle stood in front of room smiling while everyone were shouting. She turned in a circle and nodded her head a few times. “Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen!” She looked at Merlin. He stared at her showing nothing. “Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen…”


Authir's note: Happy new year, everyone. And i hope you all like this chapter!!

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