j. storm + his cockiness

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"you're going to this party with me."he follows you around like a puppy as you try to escape him in the crowd of the farmers market. "johnny, for the last time, no.""it's good publicity if i show up with someone," he says, discreetly stealing an apple off a fruit stand, making you frown. "makes the fantastic four look more approachable. family friendly." he takes a bite, and you roll your eyes."i don't want to go," you respond simply, stopping a second to look around.he takes the heavy basket of food from you, still chewing. "yes, you do. you like me, and you've liked me, and i want you on my arm tonight."relieved of the weight, you think you might be able to lose him this time, your groceries be damned. you walk quickly towards the edge of the market, flustered. "if you just want some cute thing on your arm, you could literally ask any woman here. some of these men, too. i'm sure they'd love to spend a night with the human torch.""is that what i said?" he drops the apple, gently jostling people to the side so he can keep up with you. "that i want some cute thing? or did i say that i want you?"you reach the open space outside the market, the noisy bustle diminishing. he grabs your wrists, spinning you to face him. "i wasn't..." you blink at him. "i wasn't really listening.""i want you," he repeats, slowly, so there's no doubt at all. a smile spreads across his face. "you get what i'm trying to say, yeah?""yeah." you swallow."so you're coming with me." he smirks as you nod shyly.

rodrikstark's headcanons (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now