b. barnes + watching nature docs and bringing home flowers

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the sort of... enraptured way bucky watches planet earth shouldn't have surprised you.

he saw some of the world during his time in wakanda, but modern-day new york doesn't exactly contain much of nature's vast wonders.

tucked into his chest, his metal arm stroking your hip, you look around and become terribly conscious of the sheer emptiness and sadness of his apartment, so you resolve to slowly fix it.

the following night, you show up at his door, ready to watch the next episode.

"what's this?" he asks, blinking at you.

he looks so confused. you grimace, thinking that maybe you should have gotten him a real bouquet from a flower shop.

instead, you have tiny wildflowers, barely longer than the two fingers you pinch them in. mostly yellow and white, but some blues and purples. even some leaves and grasses, which you thought looked nice, mixed in.

"your apartment needed something pretty."

he lets out a laugh, too charming for his own good. "i usually have you for that."

you palm lightly at his chest until he pivots to let you in. your brain searches for some sort of witty comeback, but all that comes out is "shut up."

he follows you to the couch, then puts an arm around you. without a word, bucky turns on the TV and pulls up planet earth.

"can i put some of these in your hair?" you murmur.

a pretty shade of pink blooms in his cheeks. "sure, doll."

rodrikstark's headcanons (part 1)Where stories live. Discover now