Chapter 1

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Jane Matthews

Have I made the wrong choice?

I stare out the small apartment window that gives me a glimpse of Seattle.

Seattle, Washington.

Across the country. Away from New York. Far away from Harry.

"Have I made the right choice?" I ask, biting down on my nail. The funny feeling in my stomach hasn't stopped ever since I left. My mind has been racing with every possible thought.

The shuffling sound of slippers sounds throughout the empty apartment. They stop once I feel her presence behind me. She hands me a mug with steam coming out of it. I cautiously take the mug from her hand and mouth a thank you.

"You're not used to change." She exhales. "Did you think you made the right choice when you ran away to New York?" Amaya asks, staring at me with concern.

I gulp. "No. I thought about going back ten times a day."

"There's your answer." She clicks her tongue. "In two weeks you'll be back to normal."

"Maybe I shouldn't have left him with no explanation." I turn to face her, tears brimming my eyes quickly. "What if I hurt him badly?"

"I'm sure you did. But this decision was to help heal you and improve from what you experienced. Harry has his own healing to do and he should do it alone than with you who can't provide the support he needs." She softly speaks, sounding motherly.

My older sister always has the answer to everything.

I should've turned around when the employee yelled for the next in line. I should've let the lady behind me go. I should've walked back to Zayn. I should've told him I changed my mind and to take me back to Harry. I shouldn't have come here. I should've stayed back there and we would've worked things out together.

But she was waiting for me over here. I knew once I landed and got my bags, she would warmly accept me into her embrace. I'd hug my niece and all of the worrying would disappear.

I look at my sister and it all disappears for a moment. I spent a year away from my sisters. I came here to be around Amaya. I know she would help me during my healing process. I came here to get closer to her again.

Allie is off in Florida and in college. We plan on having video calls every two weeks to catch up with each other.

"Besides, I think your mind needed a break from all of that. You have had one hell of a year, Avie. You've had one hell of a two weeks." She says in disbelief. "Is your stomach okay?" She asks, referring to my recovering stab wound.

I nod. "I'm just a little sore."

I find it hard to believe I was stabbed. I felt all of the pain, but I still can't believe it. I went through two shootouts and one near shootout while protecting Harry, and not once was I badly injured.

"I hope to find my break here." I exhale, sipping the steaming tea. "I need a job. I can't crash on your couch forever."

I want things to go back to normal.

When was my life ever normal?

Dead Dad. Screwed up Mom. Abusive Fiancé. Running away on my wedding day. Protecting a billionaire's son. Being a bodyguard. Changing my name to protect myself. Getting held captive. Getting stabbed.

Did I miss anything?

"You're on a break and you're already wanting a job? Take a few weeks to relax first." She says unsurely.

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