A Talisman

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A redhead Elleth jumped down, killing spiders. She shot one coming towards Kíli.

"Throw me a dagger! Quick!" Kíli insisted.

She didn't give him a weapon and continued fighting on her own.

Despite the fact that that a was injured and on the ground, I reached for my dagger.

"If you think I'm giving you a weapon, dwarf, you're mistaken!" When she finished killing one spider she threw a dagger at another spider coming towards Kíli and killed it.

I put my dagger back.

"Search them." The blond ellon ordered.

They began speaking elvish. And started to search us.

The blond elf walked towards me.

I glared. "You will not."

He walked away and searched Glóin.

"Hey! Give that back, it's private!" Glóin ordered as the ellon grabbed something from him.

The ellon opened it. "Who is this? Your brother?"

"That is my wife!"

He looked at the other picture. "And what is this horrid creature? A goblin mutant?"

"That's my wee lad Gimli!"

The ellon raised an eyebrow.

Another elf walked over to me, stood me up and took away my weapons. He saw my pointed ears and called for some elves. "Tauriel, Legolas!"

The redhead Elleth and blond ellon walked over together, for they had been talking. The elf showed them my pointed ears.

"What are you doing with dwarves?" Tauriel asked.

"Helping them take back their kingdom." I replied simply.

"You look sindar, do you live here?" Legolas asked.

"No, I live amongst men."

"Why? You are an elf."

"I'm half elven." I corrected. "Though, I do not know why I live amongst men...now, if you don't mind, I have an arrow in my leg."

Tauriel looked confused. "Who shot you and why?"

"She threatened to shoot me, so I had her shot." Legolas admitted.

Tauriel sighed. "You could've just broke her bow."

"I will take her to the healers." Legolas offered.

Tauriel nodded.

Legolas walked over to Thorin and took a blade.

"This is an ancient elvish blade. Forged by my kin." Legolas said while examining it. "Where did you get this?"

"It was given to me." Thorin answered.

Legolas pointed the sword at Thorin. "Not just a thief, but a liar as well." Legolas removed the blade and shouted in elvish.

"Would you stop being so arrogant?" I asked annoyed with Legolas.

Legolas shot me a glare.

When they were done searching us Legolas led me inside along with the rest of the dwarves.

They locked the dwarves in the dungeons. Legolas took me to the healers and left me there.

The healer snapped the arrow and pulled it out. She began cleaning it. once she finished cleaning it she bandaged it.

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