Catching up

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I heard movement and voices nearby. I drew my bow and walked towards the voices. I saw Tauriel and Legolas talking, I walked out, interrupting their conversation.

"One moment." Tauriel said.

They began talking again in elvish, probably thinking I couldn't understand, because I grew up amongst men.

"Come back with me, he will forgive you."

Who will forgive Tauriel for what?

"But I will not. If I go back, I will not forgive myself. The king has never led orcfeild from our lands that he would let this orc pack cross our borders and kill our prisoners."

Righttt, I'm still a prisoner...

"It is not our fight." Legolas said.

"It is our fight. It will not end here, with every victory, this evil will grow. If your father has his way, we will do nothing. we will hide within our walls, live our lives away from the light and let darkness descend."


Legolas looked somewhat offended.

I stood there awkwardly, feeling out of place.

"Why is she here?" Legolas finally asked.

"First of all, ouch. And second, rude."

"Because I told her I would help her. The orcs are trailing behind the dwarves and I did not want her to try to get back to them by herself with the orcs that close. If you have a problem with that you can go back to your father."

Oh snap. Drama.

Legolas finally decided to help us.

Sweet, more people to travel. This will be fun.

"So, what's the plan?" I asked.

"To follow behind and catch up the dwarves. hopefully we will be able to get rid of the orcs."

"So by 'getting rid of them' do you mean we get to kill them?" I asked excitedly with a grin.

"Most likely."

Legolas called dibs on killing the leader, which was upsetting because I wanted to.

~after following the dwarves to lake town~

We made it to lake town and a house where a few of the dwarves were.

We heard screaming coming from the house.

Legolas had decided to jump through the roof, probably for a big entrance or something. And me an Tauriel were going to walk through the door.

Tauriel and I walked through the door, with our weapons drawn.

Orcs were trying to kill the dwarves and some children.

Tauriel stabbed some orcs while I shot a couple.

Legolas hopped down from the roof and onto a table. He began killing orcs along with us.

Kíli fell off the table he was laying on.

We continued fighting soon we killed all that were in the house.

"You killed them all." A boy said amazed.

"There are others. Tauriel, Come." Legolas walked towards the door.

Tauriel hesitated.

"We're losing him." Óin told Tauriel.

I rushed over to Kíli and Tauriel.

"Tauriel." Legolas said before walking away.

"I see how it is. I only helped you kill these orcs and you don't even say bye!" I yelled out at Legolas.

Tauriel turned to leave and made it to the door when kili started crying out in pain.

Tauriel grabbed some Athelas from Bofur and whispered.

We picked Kíli up and put him back on the table.

"Hold him down." Tauriel ordered while walking over to us with a bowl.

We did so, or, tried our best.

Tauriel started saying a spell in elvish while rubbing the Athelas into Kíli's wound.

A girl walked up and started helping us hold Kíli down. "Tilda!" A small girl ran up to us and helped.

Tauriel kept saying a spell. Kíli slowly calmed down. He looked at Tauriel as if she was an angel. His breaths slowed.

Tauriel and I banged up Kíli's wound. The dwarves carried on a conversation off in the kitchen.

"Tauriel." Kíli said weakly.

Tauriel looked at him.

"Hey, it's me, Kylaney, I'm here too."

"Lie still." Tauriel instructed Kíli.

"You cannot be her.she is far away. She...she is far far away from me, she starlight in another world. It was just a dream."

Kíli slowly started holding Tauriel's hand.

Are we really gonna pretend I'm not here?

"Do you think she could've loved me?" Kíli asked.

OKAYYYY. Maybe I should leave..

I leave them and join the others in the kitchen.

Not too long after I heard loud flapping of giant wings and the town sounded distressed.

It was none other than a dragon. It was Smaug.

Hello Mellons!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! ❤️❤️

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