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Bells were ringing and there was shouting throughout the city.

People began evacuating on boats. Tauriel and I stood outside watching Smaug fly in the distance.

Tauriel and I rushed back inside.

"We have no time. We must leave."

"Get him up." Bofur ordered the others.

"Come on, brother." Fíli encouraged.

"Come on. Let's go!"

"I'm fine. I can walk." Kíli said.

Tauriel instructed the children.

"We're not leaving. Not without out father." The boy said.

"If you stay here, your sisters will die. Is that what your father would want?"

We rushed and got ready. We rushed to a boat and got in it.

We started rowing away. I watched in terror as the dragon flew towards the town.

He spat fire over the town. We crashed into another boat filled with gold.

"Move it! Move it!" A man shouted

They continued talking about how they had too much weight on board. He threw another man overboard soon after a rope went around him, pulling him back and breaking someone out of a cell.

We continued rowing along.

The children look up at a tower holding a bell on it. A man is on top, with a bow and arrows.

"Da!" The boy yelled.

The younger sister gasped in terror. "DA!"

Their father attempted to shoot Smaug and hit him.

"He hit it! He hit the dragon!" Kíli exclaimed.

"No." I said.

"He hit his mark! I saw!" Bofur argued.

"His arrows cannot pierce its hide." Tauriel explained. "I fear nothing will."

The boy grabbed onto a hook and lifted himself up.

"What are you doing?!" One of the sisters asked worried.

He swung across to land.

"Come back!" Fíli shouted.

"Bain! Bain!"

"Leave him." Tauriel ordered. "We cannot go back."

"Bain!" The younger sister said in tears.

Smaug flies over the tower with their father on it and knocks some of the top off.

Smaug got down on the ground. "Who are you that you would stand against me?"

The man picked up a bow.

"Now that is a pity. What will you do now...bowman? You are forsaken. No help will come." Smaug looks at Bain, who is also on the tower with his father now. "Is that your child? You cannot save him from the fire. He will burn."

The man put the bow in between the posts making a crossbow-like thing. He had Bain stand in front of him, holding a black arrow on his shoulder.

"Tell me, wretch. How now shall you stand against me? You have nothing left..but your death!" Smaug roared and started charging for them.

Bain's father released the arrow. It hit Smaug's weak spot. Smaug roared then knocked over the tower.

Smaug flew up in the air and started groaning an snarling. His eyes went dark, along with his mouth and stomach. He fell down and crashed into the water.


Everyone looked around for their families. Tauriel and I helped the children look for their father and brother.


Kíli walked up to Tauriel.


"Kíli! Kylaney!" Fíli called. "Come on."

I side hugged Tauriel. "I must go. Thank you for your help."

Tauriel smiled at me. "Farewell."

I walked away and helped the dwarves ready the boat.

"We're leaving." Fíli told Kíli.

Tauriel said something to Kíli and tried to walk away. He stopped her and said something to her. They continued talking.

Tauriel was about to step forward but froze. Legolas was behind her. I saw the pain and jealousy in his eyes as he told her something.

"The elf lives!" I shouted loud enough for Legolas to hear. He rolled his eyes at me.

Kíli turned around but didn't walk forward. He hesitated then turned back around to Tauriel.

Kíli handed her his rune stone.

Aww, cute. Probably as a promise.

Kíli walked back to us and got in the boat. I saw that Tauriel was on the verge of tears.

"Bye, Princess!" I shouted to Legolas as we row away.

He finally waved goodbye, though, he did roll his eyes again.

Score! I got the stuck up elven prince to somewhat tell me bye. I'm so proud.

We finally arrived at Erebor. We walked up to the mountains.

"Hello? Bombur? Bifur? Anybody?" Bofur shouted.

We walked down into the mines.

"Wait! wait!" Bilbo shouted.

"It's Bilbo!"

"He's alive!"

Bilbo ran to us. "Stop! Stop! Stop!" "You need to leave. We all need to leave."

"We only just got here." Bofur said.

"I've tried talking to him but he won't listen."

"What do you mean, laddie?" Óin asked.

"Thorin! Thorin. Thorin. He's been down there for days. He doesn't sleep, he barley eats. He's not been himself. Not at all. It's this — it's this place" Bilbo cleared his throat. "I think a sickness lies on it."

"Sickness?" Kíli asked. "What kind of sickness?"

"I second that. What kind of sickness?"

Fíli started running down.

"Fíli! Fíli!"

Kíli and I followed after him along with everyone else.

We stopped when we saw Thorin walking through the gold.

"Gold. Gold beyond measure. Beyond sorrow...and grief." Thorin looked up at us. "Behold the great...treasure hoard of Thror." He threw a ruby up to Fíli. "Welcome my sister-sons, and sister..., to the Kingdom...of Erebor."

Bilbo's right...he's changed.

We walked to an area where we found the others.

"Balin!" Bofur said.

There was laughter as everyone greeted each other.

"Kylaney! You made it!" Ori said excitedly.

I smiled. "Yes I did."

Later Thorin had us search for the arkenstone, which I did NOT sign up for.

"Keep searching!" Thorin instructed.

I dug through some coins. I got up and walked to a different spot, I slipped in the process, which put me in an even worse mood.

"I'm done!" I shouted.

"No one rests until it is found!" Thorin ordered.

"WATCH ME." I started walking off.

"Kylaney get back here!" Thorin shouted.

"You forget, I'm not apart of this kingdom, and you are NOT my king!" I shouted back at Thorin.

I left.

Hello Mellons! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! ❤️❤️

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