
9 1 1

A/n: I apologize for the previous chapters being horrendous

I smiled as I looked at Kylaney, who was asleep with her head resting on my shoulder. Her dark blond hair covered the majority of her face. I gently removed the hair that was covering her face and pushed it behind her ear.

Assuming she was deeply asleep, I moved her in a more comfortable position. I laid down next to her, and hesitantly wrapped an arm around Kylaney.

I placed a kiss on her forehead before I close my eyes.


I woke up to Kylaney shuffling around. She opened her eyes.

"Did you rest well, ibin abnâmul?" [Beautiful gem]

Kylaney nodded with a slight smile, and shifted to lay on her side, facing me.

I noticed some distress in her eyes. I softly placed my hand on her cheek, and looked into her eyes. "Are you alright, my lady?"

"I am fine. Just a bit hungover, still."

I held her face gently and pressed a soft kiss against her lips.

She smiled tiredly as she pressed her forehead against mine and closed her eyes.

I held her close to me, stroking her hair for a while.

We pulled apart. "Are you hungry?" I examined.

"A little..."

I got out of the bed and kissed her forehead. "I will wait for you in the hall."

Kylaney nodded. I walked outside and waited for her to change.

Soon she came outside dressed in a Tunic, which looked far more comfortable than the dress she fell asleep in.

We left and ate lunch together And spent the rest of the day with each other, along with some of the others.

I packed my things in my free time, along with Kylaney.

~the next morning~

Kylaney and I woke up fairly early in the morning and began saying our goodbyes.

I began instructing Kíli on what he needs to do while I'm gone, already beginning to regret my decision of leaving him in charge.

Kíli listened thoroughly and nodded.

With a soft smile, I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Goodbye."

"Goodbye, uncle Thorin."

I walked over to Kylaney. She was telling Ori goodbye.

"Are you leaving forever, lass?" Ori asked somewhat sad.

Kylaney smiled. "I don't know. But what I do know, is that I will come back to visit you."

"Alright. Goodbye, Laney." Ori smiled.

Kylaney ruffled his hair before saying goodbye to Tauriel and mounting her horse.

I mounted a ram. We waved goodbye to the others before riding off.

We rode through forests for hours until the sun began to set. We dismounted and started a fire.

Kylaney made some tea while I went to hunt for some dinner.

I came back with a couple of rabbits. Kylaney handed me some tea. I thanked her and sipped it before fixing the rabbits for dinner.

After we ate, Kylaney laid her head on my shoulder. I laid my head on hers and held her close to me. She slowly drifted to sleep.

I laid her on the ground and put a blanket over her once she was asleep. I pressed a kiss against her lips then laid down, and fell asleep.

A/n: I apologize for the terrible update, and HOW FREAKING LONG IT TOOK to get a small chapter out.

I love you all 💙

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2023 ⏰

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