Killing the snake

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The dwarven army moved positions as an army of orcs ran down a hill.

"I'm going over the wall. who's with me?" Fíli asked.

The dwarves cheered and agreed.

"I'm coming." I stated.

"Stand down." Thorin ordered.


"Are we to do nothing?"

"I said, stand down!"

The army of dwarves runs towards the orcs, they kneel down, put the shields in front of them, making a line.

The elves didn't move.

The dwarf leader shouted orders in Khuzdul.

Before the orcs could clash into the dwarves, the Elves jump over the dwarves and killing the orcs. (this scene is just so *chefs kiss*)

Oh, That's cool. i wanna helppp.

Another orc horn blared.

Thranduil rode in front of his army, shouting orders in Elvish.

They drew their bows.

After another orc horn blared the army went towards the city.

Trolls came out of mountains.

"Fall back to Dale, now!" Bard ordered his army.

The trolls fired boulders into the city.

I sat down on the floor, knowing Thorin wouldn't let us fight. I leaned against the wall.

~a while later~

I was gathered with the dwarves talking, when Thorin walked out.

"I will not hide behind a wall of stone while others fight our battles for us!" Kíli shouted.

Kíli quieted down while they walked towards each other. "It is not in my blood, Thorin."

"No, it is not." Thorin said quietly after stopping in front of Kíli. "We are sons of Durin."

Thorin walked to the rest of us after a bit. "I have no right to ask this of any of you, but will you follow me, one last time?"

They dwarves that were sitting down, stood up.

Thorin walked over to me.

"I am sorry for how I treated you. You didn't deserve to be treated in that manner."

I slightly smiled at him and placed my hand on his shoulder. "I forgive you."

Thorin smiled back. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach, I missed his smile. I removed my hand and he walked away.

I didn't put much armor on, but I put armor on nonetheless.

I sheathed my sword, and put my bow on my back along with my full quiver.

Bombur blew a horn.

A bell broke open an exit, forming a pathway.

I drew my sword before running out with the dwarves, the dwarves shouted while running.

The army of dwarves made a path for us while we ran through.

"To the king! To the king!" The dwarf leader shouted.

The army cheered.

Thorin shouted something in Khuzdul.

We ran into the army of orcs and began killing them.

Thorin's JewelOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora