Where's Jason?!

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Sky's pov
Jason said he wanted to the McDonald's down the street but I didn't, couldn't go. You see Jason and I are best friends. I don't have a family though or a home I live in the park by Jason's house. I have plenty of stuff to keep me warm. I don't eat very often, mainly because I'm homeless, but now when I eat, I feel sick to my stomach. So that's why I couldn't go. He said he would be back. So I waited there then it became obvious that something was wrong. So I went to the McDonald's and saw that he wasn't there. So I went to his house and asked his parents if he was home. They said no. I was now very worried. I said I would go look for him but then I heard the weather forecast. "Warning! All residents must stay inside from now on! A snow storm will be in action for about 8 hours!" It had started snowing. I looked out the window (somehow Sky got inside the house) and I could barely see a thing! The snow was coming down so hard I couldn't see more then 50 feet. I looked at Jason's parents and they look so worried and scared.
"Y-you can stay with us darling. Till the storm is over." His mother said. I just nodded. Then I thought, Jason is out there what if he... he... I couldn't take it anymore. I broke down sobbing and curled up into a ball on the floor. His parents tried to comfort me, but it wasn't working. I couldn't stop crying. Jason might die out there. Poor poor Jason, if I had gone with him this wouldn't have happened. It's all my fault...

Omg! The feels today. I hate the feels, so I pretty much poor my feelings out in my fanfics. Enjoy!

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