Expiraments Failed?

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Jason's pov
They have tried so many expiraments on me, I'm surprised I'm still alive, I can't remember how I got here or who I was before I got here. They said one of their failed expiraments made me loose my memories. Oh well. I looked around and thought about how long I've been here. I'm 15, and they said they brought me here when I was 10, so five years. Five fucking years trapped in this place. Just then a scientist walked into my cell, yeah I live in a cell. He said, "Well Jason Rayner (XD found the last name on a last name generator and it's also my friend's last name) since our expiraments have proved nothing we are sending you back to the place you lived at before. We are providing you with a house and education." (I don't give a shit if he is only 15, he gets a house!) I looked at him and smiled.

Le time skip(still Jason's pov)
I looked at my new house and smiled, Finally out of that prison. I thought. I had school tomorrow so I decided to go to bed. The next day I woke up to the sound of the alarm on my phone. I turned it off, got ready, and left for school. I was actually a little nervous, I didn't know anyone here. I walked into the school casually people looked at me but not for too long, they acted as if they had seen me before. I headed to my first class, art. My favorite subject, I always carried something to draw in with me, it was what calmed me down. I walked in and the teacher, Mr. Waldrip (my school's art teacher's name) smiled at me and said, "Welcome Jason Rayner, would you like to tell the class a little about you or would you like me to?" I simply looked at him and nodded for him to talk. "Ok, Jason just moved here from New York. Now, don't overwhelm him with questions, and let him calm down and settle in. Hmmm, Jason you can sit next to Tyler (Munchingbrotato)." I just nodded and sat down, you see I'm a little shy, obviously.

Tyler's pov
That new kid looks just like Jason, then Mr. Waldrip said it, "Jason Rayner..." I didn't listen to the rest. I concentrated on the name. He looks just like him and he has the same name. Then I snapped back to reality as Jason sat next to me. I looked at him and concluded it was the same Jason that went missing 5 years ago.

Le time skip (still Tyler's pov)
I got up from my desk, then I saw Jason walking out, I grabbed my stuff and ran after him. I grabbed his shoulder, making him jump. He turned around and said, "Yes?"

"Is it really you?" Was the first thing I said.

"What?" He said confused.

"It's me, Tyler." I said desperately.

"I don't know who you are." He said.

"W-what?" I said, on the verge of tears. "BUT YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER!! PLEASE!!!" I pleaded, tears now steaming down my face. My scrap book clutched in my hands, then it hit me. I opened it sand showed him a picture of him and Sky. "This i-is you." He looked at it and sighed.

"Look, you are probably mistaking me for someone else. Ok? Now I need to get to class." He said and left. I stared after him still crying.

Hahaha I'm so fucking evil. I just had to end it here. Lol, well hope you guys enjoy.

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