He Remembers Me...

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Adam's pov

I walked into school getting the usual glances and glares. Everyone except my friends seems to hate me. I just looked down and walked to my locker. I opened it up and placed my things inside. "Adam!" I heard someone yell. I looked over to see Jason running over to me.

"Oh, hey Jason." I said, smiling weakly.

"So, you still aren't good with food, huh?" He said, I looked at him confused.

"Now you seem to be acting like you know me." I said frowning a little.

"That's because I do know you, Sky." My eyes widened as he said that.

"Y-you remember?" I stuttered.

"Yes, I guess I just needed to hear your name and it all came back to me." He said smiling, I smiled and hugged him.

"I missed you." I said.

"I missed you too." He said. That's when I noticed something. When we separated from the hug, I saw he had a scar on his hand.

"Where did that come from?" I asked. He looked down and sighed.

"I'll explain if you guys can come to my house after school." He said. I nodded and he walked off to his next class. Now how do I tell him how I have felt about him? I thought, walking off.

Jason's pov

I swear I felt my face heat up when he hugged me. Do I like him? That's what it feels like. I thought as I rushed home to get the house cleaned up, even though I've only lived there for 2 days. Soon it was cleaned up and I heard a knock on the door. I opened it and welcomed everyone, motioning for them to come in. "Ok, I have to explain what happened to me over the past 5 years." I said, everyone nodded, but Sky looked really worried. "I know you guys probably didn't want it to happen like this but, I was... was..." I couldn't continue without feeling the tears flow down my cheeks. Just then Sky got up and wrapped me up into a hug. I smiled and felt myself blush a little.

"It's ok." He cooed into my ear. I'm pretty sure my face was turning pinker ever second he held me in his arms.

"I was, expiramented on, abused, I lived in a cell, they always seemed to find the most painful way to expirament on me, and they thought I was special. I don't know how I'm just an ordinary boy." I said, the tears flowing quicker now. Sky hugged me even tighter.

"I won't let that happen again." He said, I was surprised when he kissed me on the forehead. Everyone awed and Sky seemed to realize that he had done that and his face went bright red. Then I surprised him by kissing him on the forehead also. The guys awed again, Seto was smiling wildly. Seto was a big shipper. He ships Mitch and Jerome and now probably Sky and I.

"Well we are glad you are ok." Ty said. I nodded, still in Sky's arms. Then after a while everyone slowly began to leave until it was only Sky and myself. I was sitting on his lap, leaning against him. While we were talking about the detail I had a major breakdown, especially when I heard that my parents died in a car crash. I was still a little teary-eyed. I yawned and Sky looked down at me.

"You tired?" He asked softly. I nodded and then he layed down on the couch, me instinctively going down with him. "Then how about an afternoon nap?" He said. I just slowly began to drift off to sleep. The last thing I heard Sky said was, "I love you Jason."

"I love you too." I said falling asleep.

YAY! I got it done! I hope you like it! Skymu forever!

- Skyloxmu

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