Adam Dahlberg?

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Adam's pov

I sat there in the back of the class next to Ty and Tyler, who looked like he had been crying, but I didn't question it. "I heard that there is a new kid. I wonder if he is in this class. I'd like to meet him!" Ty said smiling. Tyler just began to scribble in his sketch book.

"Yeah, I hope he doesn't make friends with the wrong people. " I said motioning towards the jocks and populars. Ty nodded. We looked up when Brock walked in and everyone gasped. His nose was all bandaged up, and he had a huge bruise on his cheek. "How the heck did that happen?" I whispered.

"I don't know." Ty said. Again Tyler just kept quiet. I wonder why he is so quiet. I thought. I shrugged it off and watched the door. Then I looked at my hands. I don't really care about my classes, I always ace the homework and tests. So I just lay my head on my desk. I heard to pairs of footsteps and the door shut behind them. I didn't listen to the teacher, I just sat there not looking up.

"Adam, can you raise your hand?" The teacher said. So the new kid is in my class. I raised my hand then I heard footsteps walk towards me, then I heard someone sit next to me. I felt Ty poke me.

"What?" I said looking at him.

"It's him!" He whispered in my ear. I looked over and kept myself from staring. It was Jason! It was actually him! I was shocked. After class it was lunch. I saw Jason look around uneasily. Well I guess I could invite him to our table. I thought. I walked over to him. He looked at me and smiled weakly.

"Hi! Would you like to sit with my friends and I?" I asked. He nodded. I lead him to the table and he sat down next to me. "So, how have you been Jason?" I asked and Tyler shook his head violently.

"Ummm, well, why do you ask like you know me so well? I don't know who you, any of you are." He said. I stared at him, and shook my head, putting on a fake laugh.

"I don't know. I guess I'm just that weird." I said taking a bite of my food. Then I felt myself turn pale as I swallowed it. I got up and rushed out of the cafeteria and into the bathroom.

Jason's pov

"Is he alright?" I asked, watching him rush out.

"I'll go check!" Tyler said rushing after him.

"So, I guess I'll introduce everyone." A guy with brown hair that covered half of his face said. "I'm Ty Ellis, that is Brice, Seto, Jerome, Mitch, and Ant." He said pointing to the rest of the people at the table.

"Nice to meet you guys." I said.

"Oh and the one that rushed out after the other guy is Tyler, and the other one's name is Adam Dahlberg, well he was called Sky, before his best friend disappeared." Ty said. That name seemed familiar. Sky. Then the bell rang.

Le time skip (cause school is boring)

I walked back home and did my homework. After that I made dinner for myself and watched TV. After a while I went to bed.


"Sky?" I said looking through the park. I heard quiet sobbing in the bushes. I looked at saw Sky sobbing into his arms. His brown hair had specs of blood in it. He looked up at me with his big golden eyes which were filled with pain and tears. "What happened?" I asked as Sky began to sob even harder.

"Some k-kids beat me up saying I was stupid and a waste of time." He said. I wrapped him into a hug. He sobbed into my chest. "I miss my family!" He said, clinging to my shirt.

"Hey, it's ok. Just ignore what they say." I said.

"I really can't I've tried." He said

"I just know you'll make it through. Just know you're not alone, I'll be here for you." I said hugging him tightly. He smiled and fell asleep in my arms.

End of Dream

I shot up and looked around. "Sk-sky?" I thought aloud. "I remember a bit of it now. Sky, or Adam." I'll call him Sky tomorrow. I thought thinking of how he would react. I then went back to bed, thinking about Sky.

Hahaha! He remembers! But aw crap! Sky can't eat again. Well I'll see you in the next update!

- Skyloxmu

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