A special chrismas

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Luxe's Pov

Today was Christmas morning but I wasn't happy, cause I stayed up all night keeping mommy awake and now I'm exhausted.

It wasn't one of my best ideas, I don't think I'm going to be doing that agian for a long time. I only kept her up because I didn't wanna sleep in my crib alone even though I asked too.

I also got popped on my bum because when mama was changing me I kicked her right in her boobies, only cause I was mad and she wouldn't let me wiggle.

Then she didn't give me boobie last night so now I'm extra aggravated. Now I'm sitting in my crib waiting on mama or mommy to come and get me.

Mama put me in this red onesie that had sparkles on it and then put me on some Christmas shorts last night. But now I gotta worry about her doing my hair.

I patted all on my bed until I found hmy Paci and Spoodi, I put my Paci in my mouth and then stood up holding onto my crib bar.

Less than 2 minutes later mama's voice comes through a box scaring me and making me fall back and start crying real hard.

I hear her whispering 'shit' under her breath before she comes bursting through my room door and has me her her arms. "Shhhh.." mama says while rubbing my back.

After a few minutes I stop crying and just lay on mamas shoulder until she puts me down and changes my bum bum.

"Are we going to have a good day today?" Mama asked while taping up my new diaper and standing me up to put on my shorts. I nod my head and as soon as she puts me down I sprint to my play room.

Mama won't chase after me like mommy so I hide, instead of chasing me she gives me a spanking when I do things I'm not supposed too.

Like running upstairs where there's hardwood floors and I can slip and fall and chip my tooth like I did when I was 10, but that's besides the point.

"Luxe come out" I hear mama say from the door of where I am, if I'm really quiet she won't see me, or so I thought before.

Pop! Pop!

"Owies!" I screech and try to run to the other side of my playroom. "You're not supposed to run upstairs" mama says popping me two more times before she lets go.

It's not that it hurt me, more of my feelings which is why I cried the whole time she told me about what happens when I run.

"Now, do you need a hug?" Mama asked after she finished making me nod and scramble into her arms. "Is mommy gonna come wif us w'ater?" I ask mama. I did keep mommy up last night she might be late getting her Christmas stuff ready.

"Yes mommy will come with us later, she's getting ready" mama says while putting me on her hip and carrying me downstairs. We went straight to the kitchen and mama sat me on the counter.

"We makin' 'affles and cakes mama?" I ask. "Yes baby we're gonna make waffles, pancakes, sausage, and eggs" mama says taking out ingredients.

Mama worked on cooking for 30 minutes and she burnt half the pancakes already. "What's going on down here?" Mommy asked standing from the door way of the kitchen.

"I'm making breakfast, miserably" mama says throwing away another burnt pancake. Making me giggle and reach for mama when she came close enough to the counter. "Mama don't no's how da cook" I tell mommy.

"You right she doesn't, but aren't you supposed to be helping her you little stinker" mommy says tickling me. "I jus' a baby!" I say between giggles.

"Oh yes I almost forgot you are just a baby" mommy says kissing my cheeks then standing by mama with me on her hip." How many pancakes did you burn this time?" Mommy asked mama.

"I only burnt 7, jeezzzzz" mama says pouting. "That's seven to many" mommy says rolling her eyes. " yea mama 'evn to many" I tell her.

"Shush you little stinker before I gobble you up" mama says pointing a spatula at me. "Why is your hair a mess?" Mommy asks me and I point at mama.

"She ran off when I put her down, so I just didn't do it after" mama says moving to the sausages. "Ok munchkin let's go do your hair" mommy says taking me into the downstairs bathroom.

"Mama is untie Jackie comin' over?" I ask mama while she put my hair into two Dutch braids before pulling it back into a bun. "Mhm she'll be here really soon so we have to finish breakfast so we can eat" mommy says.

"Kay" I say while playing with mommy's hair and resting my head on her shoulder. She walked back in the kitchen and sat on the counter with me straddling her as she talked to mama.

While I was lost in thought of trying to not fall asleep my hand hand somehow slipped down mommy's shirt. "Do you want my boob that bad?" Mommy said smiling.

I only huffed and continued to try and get it out but her boobie didn't want to listen to me. After a little while of watching me struggle mommy lifted up her shirt so she could help me latch.

Once I was latches she started patting my bum and rocking me back in forth. Which only made me more tired than I was, staying up all night was a big no. Mommy didn't stop until I was fast asleep and my mouth went limp on her boobie.

"No that' goes in her pile" I hear mama say as I'm just waking up. "Well why didn't you put them names on your presents!" I hear auntie Jackie yell.

I huff and snuggle more into mamas side, "is a little someone awake?" Mama says sitting me up. I shake my head and try and lay back down only for her to set me on the ground.

"Mama I was sleepin.." I tell her stomping my foot. "Well a merry Christmas to you too" auntie Jackie said making me run off to find mommy.

I find her in her room putting on Dawson and Sawyers Christmas pajamas. I don't know why but it made me sad and I started crying while going to mommy and pushing sawyer away.

"Sunshine we don't push people" mommy softly explained before picking me up. "Now what happened?" She asks while helping the twins off the bed and letting them go downstairs.

I shrugged and mommy just held me patting my bum while pacing around the room. After a little we went back downstairs and everyone opened there presents.

Mama got a watch, new shoes, more clothes, a necklace and boobie holders. Mommy got new shoes, clothes, some bracelets, a teddy bear that talks and boobie holders too.

Auntie Jackie got new shoes a new car, some clothes, a expensive purse and a sewing machine. Sawyer and Dawson got a lot of toys more clothes, shoes a few headbands and a kitchen set.

And I got a big teddy bear, more clothes, more shoes, a fake car that looks just like mommy's, some new slippers and more jewelry.

After everyone finished opening presents mama went to the kitchen to rewarm some chili on the stove. "Did you like your presents?" Mommy asks me making me nod and try to get her boobie.

"You like my boobs more than the presents" mommy says lifting up her shirt and letting me latch on. I ignored her and grabbed her hand putting it on my bum.

She started patting my bum and I only lasted 30 minutes still awake while everyone else was eating chili. Mommy tried to give me some but I refused keeping her boob stuffed in my mouth.

"She's falling back asleep" I hear mama say. "She's had a long day let her rest" I hear mommy say before I fall into dreamland.

A good day of boobie, presents, and family I can't wait til next Christmas.

Im so sorry for my late posts I haven't had any motivation but know I'm back and I'll try to keep a schedule with all my books!

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