Chapter 19

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Aaron's pov.

"butterfly I told you mommy isn't going to be home until later tonight, she had to go to work" I tell a very upset Luxe who is sitting in the middle of our bed.

"wan mommy" my baby whines while moving closer to me until she's on top of me, with her head rested on my chest. "I know baby, but she has to work so we have to wait" I tell her turning on the tv in our bedroom.

"do you want to watch blue?" I ask Luxe who nods and points at the tv. Rolling my eyes knowing I'll probably be watching this for the next two hours I turn on the show and set the remote down.

"Are you ready to eat butterfly?" I ask luxe after 4 episodes of blues clues, making her nod her head and lift up from my chest. "mommy back?" She asks me. "No baby mommy will be back later ok?" "otay" and with that we make our way downstairs.

"Alright butterfly, do you want cereal, muffin, or oatmeal?" I ask luxe getting down some bowls. " wan' 'earal mama, peas!" Luxe says excitedly bouncing in my arms. "Good job using your manners butterfly!, now which cereal do you want?"

Luxe points to some Cheerios sitting above the fridge making me grab them and pour a small amount in a bowl before handing it to her and sitting her on the counter.

I pour me a bowl before setting mine on the counter as we both eat our bowls of cereal in a comfortable silence. While we eat Luxe insists on feeding me some of her cereal to which I open my mouth for, because who knows when she's going to share with me again.

"Thank you, for sharing butterfly" I say to luxe who smiles and finishes eating her cereal. "Alright all done" I say putting the bowls in the sink before putting luxe on my hip and going upstairs.

Since I have a few errands to run, I'm going to slide on a quick outfit, and burn some time until Avia gets home. "No, Watch blue" luxe whines when she sees me going into the bathroom making me shake my head.

"mama and you both need to take a bath, so you can't watch blue right now baby." I explain to luxe making her shake her head and push to get out of my arms. Sighing I set her on her feet and let her take two steps away from me before falling to the ground for her little tantrum.

"Butterfly, mama I going to count to three and if your not up, I'm going to put you in time out" I tell her warnly, my statement falling on death ears as she proceeds to scream and kick her legs in frustration.

Pulling her to her feet, I walk luxe to the corner and stand her there holding her up when she trys to fall onto her butt to continue her tantrum, only making her cry more but stand up.

"I'm not going to start the timer until all those tears are gone, and you tell me what made you upset" I tell Luxe, she continues to cry for a few more minutes before she begins to calm down and face me. "Did it make you upset because mama said that you couldn't watch blue?" I ask Luxe making her nod.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you upset, but you could have also asked mama to watch it on you iPad while she took a bath." All I get in response is a nod. Kissing her forehead I turn her back around to face the corner and start her timer for 3 minutes.

While I wait for the timer to go off I start some bath water and let it fill and text avia about our morning. after the timer went off, I pick up luxe and give her a million kisses making her giggle. "Mama stoppp" she giggles and try's to push my face away to no avail.

I just hope the day goes good without avia..

hey guys, short chapter, just letting you all know that I am still here and I just haven't been updating, but the next chapter with be luxe and Aaron time😋.

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