Chapter 15

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I just wanted to add this is what the twins look like and yes, they are identical!

I just wanted to add this is what the twins look like and yes, they are identical!

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Avia's Pov

"Baby.." I hear Aaron say from her side of the bed making me turn over to look at her. "Yes my love" I say which makes her smile. "Are we cooking breakfast or going out to eat?" She asks.

"Maybe cook, because after we need to go grocery shopping then head to that new water park, then have to stop and get some clothes for the twins." I say stretching out my arms.

We got the twins for a week and a half, because Jacquline, Hailey and Andreis went out of town for a little bonding, the twins did it a few weeks ago so now it was Hailey's turn and she was so excited.

"She didn't grab enough clothes?" Aaron asks, "she did just not enough nightys" I told her while grabbing my phone and checking the time. 10:55, Aaron bites my thigh in the mist of me reaching out of the bed to grab my shorts making me yelp.

"Aaron you ass." I say once I finally sit up. "What ever do you mean?" She says making me roll my eyes. I stand up out of the bed and slide my shorts up before going to the bathroom and handling my business.

Once I finish I wash my hands and brush my teeth being joined shortly after my Aaron we does the same. Last night Luxe slept in her crib which meant we got the whole bed to ourselves, best sleep ever.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Aaron asks me, "we can do scrambled eggs, sausage, rice, potatoes,toast and fruit" I say kissing her and going back into the room. Once I hear the water turn off Aaron kisses my cheek then makes her way downstairs to start breakfast.

Checking the baby monitors I see that Sawyer and Dawson are up while Luxe is still dead asleep. I slide on my socks and a pair of crocs before I go in the room the twins are in.  "Good morning" I say making my way to the bed.

"mornin" I hear both of them say. As soon as I make it to the foot of the bed Dawson is standing infront of me trying to climb up my body. " well hello to you bubs" I say while placing him on my hip.

Sawyer on the other hand slides off the bed and holds my fingers as we walk back into my bedroom. I thought the twins were two but turns out their actually 18 months, it's really surprised me.

I check the baby monitor again to see that Luxe is still gash asleep making my shake my head and smile. I set Dawson on the bed before setting Sawyer beside him and going to the other side of the room where their bag is.

I reach into the bag and grab 2 pamper, and their outfit for today before going back to the bed and laying the outfit down, Dawson of course sees me and makes his way back over to be reaching to be picked up.

I oblige and make my way back to Sawyer who's now on the floor playing with one of Luxe's toys that's she left. I lay Dawson back down on the bed and begin to change him much to his discomfort.

The house was a little chilly and when the cold air touched his 'parts' his legs scrunched up and he let out a whine. "I know bubs im almost done" I tell him as I unscrunch his legs and wipe him down before taping his diaper up.

Dawson once again wanted to be picked up but I gently told him no before grabbing Sawyer and beginning to change his diaper. Dawson got in his feelings and cried his little heart out while continuing to reach his arms up towards me.

"Dawson, you are perfectly fine" I say just as I finish taping up Sawyers pamper. After I button Sawyers onesie back up I pick up Dawson making his crys automatically silence as he buries into my neck.

"Do you want to go with Nini while I get Luxe?" I ask them making Sawyer nod and hold my hand. I make my way downstairs and into the kitchen,of course Aaron is almost done cooking and is now playing the food.

"Babe can you get Dawson and watch Sawyer so he doesn't run out the kitchen again" I say which makes her nod. "Come on bubs" Aaron says while taking a whiney Dawson and placing him on her hip, before taking Sawyers hand.

"I'm going to get Luxe, she should be up by now" I say and make my way upstairs into Luxe's room. Just as I said Luxe was just waking up her pacifier was hanging from her shirt as she sat up in bed.

"Mama.." she says upon seeing me and rubs her eyes. "Good morning Lu" I say picking her up and moving to the rocking chair before sitting down, I lift up my shirt and help Luxe latch on before patting her butt.

Just from me patting her butt I could feel how soaked her diaper was, after about 10 minutes Luxe was just using my boob as a pacifier which made me unlatch her and lay her on her changing table before changing her diaper.

"Are you ready to go see mommy?" I ask her while putting her on my hip and throwing away the dirty diaper. " 'es see mommy!!" She says clapping her hands happily and wiggling to be put down.

I chuckle at her actions and let her down before following her as she slowly goes down the stairs before speeding up when she hits the lower lever of the house. "Mommy!!" She screams and jumps right into Aaron's arms to get throw in the air.

Dawson crashes right into my legs when I get to the entry of the kitchen and try's to climb up my body. Of course I pick him up place him on my hip, right as I adjust him Sawyer runs to me and reaches his arms up to be held too.

"Hold on boo let me put my phone down" I say placing my phone on the counter then picking Sawyer up so he could sit on my other hip. Sawyer lays his head on my shoulder while pointing to the food that was on the high chairs that were lined up.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him making him nod.  Once we get everyone set in their high chairs the food is put on their trays and they dig in, well more over Luxe, and Sawyer dig in. Dawson is more of a sensory eater so he picks around his food and eats what he wants out of it.

While the kids are eating me and Aaron eat while making small talk with them. "Mama juice?" Luxe asks making me nod and chuckle, he face and hand wee covered in syrup and fruit juice so was Sawyers, they definitely need a bath.

"Do you want organge or grape Lu?" I ask her while making my way to the fridge. "Orange mama!" She yells and squeals excitedly when her bottle is placed down infront of her. "Would you like some juice too Boo?" I ask Sawyer " 'ape?" He asks, and as requested I pour the grape juice in a bottle and hand it to him.

"I don't think he wants the fruit or eggs babe" Aaron says making me look over towards Dawsons plate. He barely ate any of the French toast but that was figured because it was a new texture for him, although he ate the rest of his food.

"Bubs do you want juice?" I ask Dawson, and got a head shake no in response. Instead he reached to be picked up to which I obliged, his hands weren't sticky and covered in all kinds of juice. "Do you want your milk bubs?" I ask him in which this time he nods.

Aaron passes me his bottle from the bottle warmer and I hand it to him, the model was immediately in his mouth while both his hands hold it towards his tilt back head. " mama store!" Luxe says while bouncing in her chair.

"Yep Lu, were going to the store" I tell her, "mama out!" I says making  Aaron undo her straps and set her on the floor of the kitchen before doing the same with Sawyer.

"Luxe and Sawyer, don't start fighting or both of you will be in timeout" Aaron says in her "mean voice" as Luxe likes to call it. "Otay mama!" "Otay!" both of them say in unison before running into Luxe's play room.

"Bubs do you want Nini?" I ask Dawson making him shake his head and cling onto my shirt with his free hand. "Well then, I guess I'll just shower with him" I tell Aaron making her agree. "I'll get the other two ready while you get him ready" she says. "That's if you can get them to stay still" I tell her before heading upstairs.

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