Chapter 12

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Luxe's Pov

Today we were going to the aquarium and I was really excited cause I get to see the sea doggies and the sea horsies. "Luxe, remember to be good since me and mama aren't going with you" mommy says reminding me.

She told me that I had to go with grandma, auntie Jackie and uncle Andreis along with my cousins, then she said her mama and auntie Frankie have 'catching up to do' which made me pout, cause it's not fair.

Instead of responding to mama I work on taking off both of my shoes before watching bluey on my iPad. After a few minutes I feel the car come to a stop but mommy and mama don't make a move to get out.

"Luxe get your fingers out of your mouth, where is your pacifier?" I hear mommy say, to which I ignore and keep my hand in my mouth shrugging my shoulders. I jump a little when I hear the door open and close then the back door open and mommy slides in.

"Babe can you hand me a wipe" mommy asks mama making her hand her a wipe from the front seat, mommy uses the wipe to wipe my fingers off before fishing my pacifier out of the diaper bag. "Do you want some milk before you go with nana?" Mommy ask to which I nod.

I know she probably already has some bottles in my diaper bag for when I'm with nana but I'm going to fight nana when it's time to actually drink from it cause why not. "Alright bubs" mommy says unbuckling me from my car seat and picking me up.

I squeal finally being out of my car seat and mommy sits me on her lap sliding her shirt strap down, once her boob comes into my sight my pacifier falls from my mouth and I latch on and put my hand on it possessively.

Mommy pats my butt while I get my fill of milk slowly making me sleepy when she starts humming and rocking me. "Love your going to put her to sleep" I hear mama say from the front. "She needs a N. A. P, it's around that time anyways" mommy says and continues her movements.

I keep startling my self awake when mommy goes to take her boob out my mouth which I don't think should happen, like at all because I'm totally not tired. "I think the new bottles she might like it's more like my boob" I hear mommy says while I slip into dream land.

The last things I hear before I fall asleep is mama and mommy talking about all the animals I'm going to see in the aquarium...


"Grammy wook!!!" I hear Jade screech while I'm waking up, once I'm finally awake I realize I'm in a strollwr but it's not mine. I know it's not mine cause, mama put cushion all over it and it's rear facing so I can see her.

I see that we're infront of the sharks making me try and get out of the stroller I was in which wasn't getting me anywhere. "Is someone finally awake?" I hear Grammy say before she unbuckles me and sits me on her hip.

I roll my eyes turning my head to look at the sharks with my pacifier moving rhythmically in my mouth. "Doesn't look like she wants to talk" I hear uncle Andreis say making me turn to look at him.

"Well hello there princess, you wanna come with me instead of that mean ol' lady?" He asks making my arms reaches out for him to hold me. Andreis and Grammy work together so there really close and auntie Jackie dated him just gave them more time together.

"Who you calling old" nana says with a raised eyebrow making Andries chuckle and situate me on his hip. Unlike when nana was holding me I held onto his shirt and continued my look at the sharks.

"Stop it we don't hit the glass" I hear auntie Jackie say before grabbing sawyers hand and moving him away from the glass and placing him in the stroller, along with Dawson. Me on the other hand I was content to be in Andries's arms.

"Mommy can we go and see the dolphins now?" Hailey asks "Not yet baby we're going to see the beluga whale and everything else, we're going to see the dolphins after that then go into the dolphin show" Auntie Jackie tells her.

Soon after looking at the sharks for a while we start wandering around the aquarium looking at all the animals, we saw slugs, seahorses,turtles,fish, beluga whales and crabs. Now we were at the otter enclosure watching them as the player and saw around.

"I wanted to try out the touch pond too, you know with all of the startfish and squids and stings rays." I hear Auntie jacks say from my spot that was now on the floor. I protested really hard about not being held, but then Uncle Andreis promised to hold me when I was done looking.

So I complied and when to look at my most favoritest sea animal. I stood there for a few more minutes before I saw a worker go in the enclosure and start making the otters do tricks and giving them fish after they did them.

"We can try it, I don't think it's going to go to well though." Nana says to auntie Jackie. They talk a little bit longer before calling me and my cousins over to we could go and see the dolphins. Like promised Andreis carried me while we walked across the aquarium for the dolphins.

I wasn't really interested in the dolphins, I was more interested in the drawings on Andreis's neck and tracing it with my finger. "Princess what are you doing to my tattoo?" I shrug then stop laying my head on his shoulder and placing my pacifier in my mouth.

"You don't want to look at the dolphins with Sawyer and Dawson?" Nana asked me making me shake my head and turn so my head so it was in Andreis's neck. "Nana I told you that she's not really interested in the dolphins she might pay attention to the show though" I hear mama say.

My head immediately shoots up and I wiggle to get down from Andreis's arms and into mama's. "Well hello to you too, did you have fun with nana?" Mama asks me making me nod my head then look around for mommy frowning when I don't see her.

"Mommy went to the bathroom she's coming back" mama says and moves to the sit in her hip before going on to talk to nana about something. "We can start heading to the dolphin show since it's going to be starting soon, I'll text avia to let her know where we are" nana says.

"Alright let's go" I hear mommy say before she starts moving towards the other direction, nana, auntie Jackie, uncle Andreis, sawyer, Dawson, Hailey, jade, and auntie Frankie followed right behind but i pouted still not seeing mommy.

"Baby how about we walk while we're going out to watch the dolphins?" Mama asks making me shake my head. Just because I didn't see her almost all day I would not let her put me down so I can walk. She tried setting me down anyway which didn't go in her favor.

As soon as I was near the ground I leaned back curling up my legs, which wasn't helpful because she almost knocked over Jade. "Buttercup you can either walk or get into the stroller, but mama can't hold you and make sure everyone gets in the gate if I have the tickets" mama tells me making me fall out on the ground.

"Luxe Nickole Anderson, that is no way to treat your mama" I hear nana say before she picks me up, but I don't want her I want mommy! I continue to have my little tantrum before I feel soft tender hands go under my armpits and my face being stuffed into someone's neck.

After a few seconds I realize it was mommy and I settle down clinging onto her shirt while breathing in her scent. "Why was she crying?, I swear I heard her from all the way down the hall." Mommy says slightly rocking me from side to side.

"She wanted to be held and got put down" nana says as we all get our tickets scanned and make our way to our seats before getting settled. I shove my hand down mama's shirt trying to get her boobie which she replied with pulling it out and getting me latched on.
"Thanks again nana, we had a great time" I hear mommy say, I had a long day and it all just came crashing down around 7:45 now here I am falling asleep while mommy holds me in a very comfortable position.

We load into the car and started our drive home. We got into the house and mama immediately got me into the tub and cleaned before she put me into the bed with a bottle of milk, soon after mommy joined us and laid down while mama got a shower.

After mama showered she got in bed and cuddled me and mommy before kissing both of our heads goodnight and pulling up the covers just how she does every night.

The last thing I can remember before falling asleep was my bottle being pulled out of my mouth and being turned onto my stomach to get a goods night rest.

Guys guess who's back, in businesssss!!!

small steps.👣Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt