Chapter 18

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Luxe's pov.

right now mommy is holding me while I cry because the meanie water got all in my face and mouth. Plus it was not my fault that I tried to reach into the water and that's when it decided to drench me. definitely not..

sniffing I bury my self into mommy's neck, I'm a little tired but I won't tell mommy that because she will make me take a nap and I won't allow it. "Lu baby, we're out of the water what's wrong" Mommy says rubbing my back.

But I don't really know what's wrong so I just snuggle into her more rubbing my eyes. "I think your tired my love" Mama says while sitting down in one of the beach chairs near our stuff.

Mama hums while rocking back and forth and patting my butt making me even more tired than I was. I pour at her making her chuckle and kiss my pouty lips before continuing her movements.

Whining I start wiggling around so I don't fall asleep, but that doesn't work because Mama just sits me up making me straddle her lap. "Lu stop fighting your sleep" Mama says making me shake my head.

Mama sighs and pushes my head to lay on her shoulder while scratching my head making me melt and my eye droop down. She continues until I fall asleep, before I'm all the way asleep she leans the chair back, and I'm off to dream land..

Avia's pov.

Wh have been at this pool for 2 hours now, luxe is asleep and the twins are just happy to be playing in water. I'm about ready to go home, I'm tired, wet, and annoyed.

I'm only annoyed because everytime they blow that loud ass wave horn, luxe startles awake and I have to keep putting her to sleep. Which if I may add is not fun at all.

"Babe I think it's time to go" Aaron says getting out of thr water holding the twins hands. "Thank god, I was just thinking it was time." I tell Aaron making her chuckle before I grab the bags and we start going to the car.

After all the babies are in the car seats I got into the passenger seat sitting back with a loud sigh. "Take out?" Aaron says making me nod. "Chinese or pizza?" She asks again. "Maybe pizza, I haven't ate any in a while" I answer before kissing her as we start our drive.

Of course as always Sawyer and Dawson fall asleep in the car while we started our slow drive home. It took us over 2 hours because of traffic and a wreck, as well as picking up the pizza.

"I'll grab the babies you get the food and bags" Aaron says making me nod as I grab everything we used at the pool and the small amount of food we ordered before I go into the house setting everything on the counter.

Soon enough she has all three toddlers in the living room laid down on some blankets that were thrown over the couch. "Really, your going to use the throw blankets?" I ask Aaron with my arms crossed over my chest.

"I'll wash them I promise" Aaron says wrapping her arms around my waist and kissing my neck. "You know the baby is asleep and we haven't had any alone time in a lo-" I cut Aaron off before she can even finish her sentence.

"I'm not having sex with a house full of small ears, absolutely not" I tell her making me whine and follow me around the kitchen as I make myself a plate of pizza and bread sticks. "Can I have some" Aaron asked opening her mouth making me give her a bite of my breadstick.

"Even though there's a whole box of both of the things on my plate sitting on the stove" I add making her roll her eyes. "It taste better from your plate" she says, kissing my lips before letting go of me to make her own plate.

"After I finish this plate I'm going to take a bath, and treat myself before the kids wake up, so you'll have to watch them" I tell Aaron making her nod as we silently continued to eat our meal before cuddling on the couch for a bit.

"Ok seriously, I'm going got take a bath" I tell her making her respond with an "ok" before I run upstairs starting some bath water and wait for it to fill up before I sit down letting the warm water sink into my skin.

20 minutes later I was still in the bath, now just resting with my head on a tub pillow. That is until I hear a very loud crying Luxe getting closer and closer to the bathroom door. Soon enough she's in thr bathroom practically trying to climb in with me.

"What happened Lu?" I ask her before helping her out of her swim suit and swim diaper putting her in the tub with me. "mommy" is all my baby says stuffing her face in my neck letting me rub her back while I rock her bath and forth.

So much for having a bath to myself I think while grabbing a small wash towel lathering it with soap before I begin to clean Luxe's body ofcourse making her whine as I try to wash my face. Babies and getting there faced washed are not compatible at all.

Setting Luxe infront of my and letting her cry out her upset feelings I wash my body before rinsing off and stepping out the tub wrapping myself in a towel. Picking Luxe up I do the same thing and go into the bedroom laying her on the bed.

I change her diaper and slip her into a light pink tee shirt which is way to big before putting on a similar outfit with a green shit and some biker shorts before sitting in the rocking chair with Luxe in my lap.

"Did you have fun at the pool baby?" I ask Luxe. "Mhmm!, big waves mommy!" She tells me before pushing up my shirt latching onto my nipple, rolling my eyes I re-adjust her patting her butt as I let her nurse contently.

It's not really a good chapter, kinda shitty. But I updated😝

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