Chapter - 1

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That Evening

"Pearl... Are you certain you're alright?" Natasha said.

"Yes, please let us get out of here!" replied Pearl.

Pearl's eyes were still filled with tears as they went outside. Being able to live up to people's expectations wasn't simple, especially when your life is already chaotic. Amanda, Pearl's childhood friend, had just bullied her. Who would have guessed that there could be someone with such a backstabbing nature?

When she got home, she went to her room and started crying. Despite her best efforts, she was never able to surpass either her previous self or the others.

Her grades weren't improving, neither was her art or singing and she wasn't doing any good in her social life either.

Next Morning

Getting up, Pearl pulled herself together and put on a smile. Deciding on forgetting the entire incident, she freshened up and went down to have breakfast.

"Mornin' Mum!, mornin' Dad!" Said Pearl

"Good Morning darling!" Replied her parents

"What Happened yesterday honey? Were you bullied? And why didn't you come for dinner yesterday? You locked the door and didn't even open it!" Asked her mum, Mrs Woods

"Nothing mum... Just had a lot of things on my mind. Don't worry" Pearl stated

"That's not what Natasha said..." Commented Mr Woods

"Natasha called you?" Asked Pearl

"No, she came here yesterday night... she looked worried." said Mrs Woods

"Ignore her... It was nothing. I am going to school... bye!" Said pearl

"What about breakfast?" asked Mrs Woods

"I and Natasha are meeting at a cafe, I'll have something there! " Said, Pearl

Saying this Pearl rushed out of there, She didn't want to answer any other questions. Reaching the Cafe, Pearl glared at her.

"Why are you glaring at me Pearl?" asked Natasha

" What did you tell my parents? You know how many questions they asked me?" Asked Pearl.

So What happens next? Is Pearl angry at Natasha? Does her day at school go well? Does Amanda trouble her again?

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