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"Is that the World Above?" Hongjoong frowned with disgust, after listening to the story of the life of the young God. "Well, it already sucked when I left, so I'm not entirely surprised, but it's disappointing that it's still so bad."

"Did you run away too, Hongjoong?" San asked, with big and curious eyes, full of stars, they were so bright and so round that the other was holding the urge to take his cheeks to look at them forever and ever.

"Something like that," he answered simply, he shrugged. "It was quite a while ago, it doesn't really matter."

The brunette nodded, it was obvious that Hongjoong didn't want to talk about it.

"I think I'll go to explore a little more of the Underworld," San announced with a smile, getting up, he had sat next to Hongjoong at the edge of the water, watching the waterfall and listening to that sound calmly, from afar, the water didn't seem as turbulent as it really was.

"It's a nice place, something...different, but it's nice," said the other God. "The people and creatures here are very kind, you can ask them for help if you need something, you won't have any problems, and if not, you know where I am."

"Thank you," said the brown-haired man, and the God was lost in that smile with perfect teeth, and those little eyes that became charmingly small.

"You're welcome, San," he murmured, although he was so entranced by that face that he didn't react until the young and free God turned around, to walk away among the lands of the Underworld, with very tall grass and trees with dark bark and great height, aimlessly really, but looking to find something.

He saw him disappear and leave, he admired him from a distance, he felt a strange curiosity about him, he wanted to follow him, but his place was there, waiting for some lost soul of some poor human to be comforted.

Hongjoong didn't really have a job, because he was no longer a God of the World Above, so he didn't owe anyone anything, since there were no obligations there, but it was his hobby, he liked being there, because he had always loved the humans, and even being an exile, an Unwanted God, he wanted to help and bring gifts to the only beings that really mattered to him.

He spent a long time looking at the water of the waterfall, listening to the soft echo of it falling, and of the current flowing, thinking of that beautiful God, with beautiful eyes and a perfect blush, so calm and at peace...until he felt a deep fear, growing in the confines of his heart, quickly filling his chest with overwhelming force, like an explosion of a thousand bombs, he hugged himself in pain, tears quickly welling up in his eyes.

As God of Humans, Hongjoong had lost his position, but never his powers, and one of them was Empathy, he could feel what humans felt, such a precious gift and it could be beautiful, but he was almost always full of pain and sadness, because humans were some of the most suffered beings in all the worlds.

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