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San nodded slightly, he didn't know Jongho very well, just enough to know that he was as powerful as Wooyoung, he hoped he could do something against him.

"I don't want to leave you alone," San said, because he didn't want him to suffer, if magically his touch made him not feel the pain of humans, he believed that he should stay by his side, as his duty, a kind of destiny.

"It wouldn't be the first time I've been through this, and there was no one to act as my anesthesia, and I'm here," Hongjoong shrugged, smiling in a simple way but that was still beautiful on his features. "Nothing is going to happen to me, I'm just...it's ugly, yes, but at least I console myself with the idea that they aren't suffering alone, that I'm with them, somehow."

"Why did it happen? asked San, after a moment in silence. "The first time, did some other god escape or something?"

Hongjoong denied it.

"Never, no God has escaped from Wooyoung, until now, everyone was afraid of the unknown of the World Below then...no one ever wanted to take a risk, to disobey him, to face him..." he shrugged his shoulders. "And the first time it happened...well, it was the reason for my expulsion, it was my fault, it was when I became an Unwanted God.

>>Wooyoung created me to take care of humans, and in order for me to be more connected to their World, he made it so from a flower from the Human World.

"Same as me," San murmured, Hongjoong smiled slightly.

"Maybe that's why we're so connected," he commented. "And well, my work was not like the other Gods, not like Yeosang or Seonghwa who had to accommodate the moon, the sun and the stars, and arm the darkness and the light...Humans are independent by themselves, they make their life, their homes, their family, their food; I alone...every now and then I helped them, if someone was very sick I cured them, or if they lacked food I got it for them, or if there was a lack of water I helped them get it, and even, a couple of times I had gone down to their land to educate them, about their health, about water, or about how to harvest, how to get food...it was nice to be among them because they made me feel less alone, as if I belonged to that place, like a home."

>>Humans are very special, they have things that the Gods do not, they create their family with whom they share blood, and another where they share their best energies, they call them friends...many times they come together to be happy, not for an interest or obligation.

>>Us Gods don't have that, our lives are solitary and driven by power and responsibilities, humans don't have any of that and that's why they can be together just to be happy.

"I only went to their world once, and I've seen them be happy with each other, it's very nice," Hongjoong nodded, he had a sparkle of emotion in his eyes, he loved talking about his humans, and for the first time he found someone who was interested. "I think we have things to learn from them too."

The Land of the Dead Gods || Hongsan Where stories live. Discover now