The Final Battle: Part 2

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Anne and Darcy activated their weapons again, Sasha grabs her swords and they fight again, Darcy and Anne twirls their weapons to fight Sasha, Anne activated her calamity powers and punches Sasha into a wall leaving a crater in the wall, Darcy runs twords Sasha with her scythe and slashes at her but Sasha move away, "This ends now!" Sasha said, "Aww, what's wrong Sasha, you can't even, you manipulated Anne and neglected my interests, your a terrible person, now this ends now." Darcy said, Sasha distracted them with the gang popping in, Sasha goes for the shield generator but Darcy stops her, "Ohh, no you don't." Darcy said, she throws a dagger cutting Sasha's leg, "No!" Grime yells, Darcy and Spore Anne go twords Sasha and Darcy raised her scythe, "Got You!" Darcy said, Sasha sees her best friend going to take her life, "Sasha!" Grime yells, he pushes Sasha out of the way and gets his arm sliced off, Grime collapses from his injury, "Grime, you big dummy." Sasha said, she takes her cloak and covers Grime, "Listen to me, Sasha, before I met you, I was nothing, just a bully in a tower, but you, you help inspired me to be so much more, if you can do that, you can do anything, you can do this." Grime said before passing out, "OPPS, looks like he's disarmed, get it, Disarmed, Hahahahahahahaha!" Darcy mocked at Grime's arm getting sliced off, but Sasha slashes at Darcy and Anne, "No!" Darcy said, she uses her tentacles to block Sasha, but Sasha cuts though them, Sasha landed a hit on Darcy's chin, "That was for Grime!" Sasha said, Darcy wipes her wound and sneaks off, she manged to trick Sasha and slashes her back, Sasha gets back up and punches Darcy to the ground, Anne and Sasha duke it out, with Sasha slashing at Anne, "Anne, you have to resist, please." Sasha begged, "Your a horrible person, Sasha, now I will end you." Anne said, but Sasha punches Anne to the ground, she runs twords her and going to stab her collar, "No!" Darcy yelled, Darcy kicks Sasha in the stomach, causing her to stumble back, Darcy grabs her Scythe and is ready to end it, Sasha gets back up, Anne and Darcy's Fight with Sasha isn't over yet.

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