Killer Within

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Time skip: Underlined Italics

Over the weeks we've started to expand the prison as best as we can. Sometimes it's figuring out where to put things or cleaning up the field a little. We make some progress but not as much as we think we would. The days get longer and it gets a lot hotter which means being in jackets and whatever doesn't work.

None the less people still try to wear long sleeves, like my dad for example. He changed his short sleeve shirt to a long sleeve. Why? I really wouldn't be able to tell you. I did find some ammo which helps a lot. Not really because I haven't had to do anything, but it does help.

My hair starts to grow in front of my face, we try everything. Hair ties, headbands, bandanas. Nothing works, Lori comes out from her cell one day and gives me a purple butterfly hairpin. She sits me down and pulls the little front pieces of hair into the clip, I can see now.

"Amara! Wake up!" Carl says shaking me, I open my eyes and groan. I turn over and face the wall, I pull my blanket up a little more.

"Carl. The next time you're standing over me and shaking me telling me to 'wake up' I'm going to put you to sleep so you'll never 'wake up'." I tell him. I can basically hear his eye roll from here. He scoffs and rips my blanket off of me.

I jump and turn over. He runs out of the cell, I roll my eyes and grab my shoes. I put them on and grab my knife and gun. I walk downstairs to see Hershel, Lori, Beth, and Carl. I look around and see everyone else smiling at me. 

"Everyone else went out to clear the field. Your dad says he loves you and to stay with Carl." Beth says looking at her dad. I smile and nod my head, I sit down next to Carl on the steps. He hands me a tool kit for my gun.

"Again?" I ask Carl. He sighs and nods his head. I scoff and start to pick up the tools to clean my gun. I get halfway into cleaning it and I hear the door creak. I look up to see Lori and Beth walking down the hall with a pair of crutches. Beth smiles. We get up and rush walk into Hershel's cell. Lori helps him sit up. 

"Just take your time." Lori tells him. Hershel nods his head and starts to push himself off the bed quickly, everyone crowds around him to make sure he doesn't do too much.

"Daddy, don't push yourself." Beth tells him. Hershel laughs and I look at all of them.

"What else am I going to do?" Hershel asks as he lifts himself onto the crutches and steadies himself, I smile. "I can't stand looking at the bottom of that bunk anymore-" Hershel says, he almost falls. Well you can't stand either so... We all rush over to help him stand up correctly.

Hershel taps on the floor with his crutches and looks around, we all stare at him to mkae sure he doesn't fall over or anything else. He sighs and then looks at Lori.

"You know, I think I'm pretty steady." Hershel says moving forward with the crutches, me and Carl back up so he can move around. Lori and Beth still stand by him with their hands on his shoulders lightly.

"That's a good start. Want to take a rest?" Lori asks. Hershel looks at me and Carl, then around the prison, then at Lori.

"Rest? Let's go for a little stroll." Hershel says maming his way to the hallway. Me and Carl follow behind closely while Beth and Lori stay on the sides of him. We get to the door of the hallway and I rush to open it. I can't do it by myself, I sigh and look at Carl. He laughs and comes over to help me push it open. Lori walks over and does it herself. It's a heavy door. I think.

Hershel steps outside and slowly crutches down the steps, he almost falls backwards. I look down and see all the cars being moved to different parts of the prison. Hershel starts moving forward at a quicker pace than before.

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