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"Amara? Hey! Amara wake up." My dad says. I look around the room and see everyone sitting at the dinner table. He smiles at me and walks me to the table, I take a seat next to Carl and my dad pushes my chair in.

Patricia places a bowl of vegetables down and Shane starts serving himself, Carol brings a basket of bread.

"Carl, I want you to keep your head up okay? Your old man, he's the thought son of a-" Shane tells Carl. Patricia cuts him off.

"No cussing in the house." Patricia tells him. He looks around and raises his eyebrows he mumbles a sorry and Carol walks to get Lori.

"She's not in there." Maggie tells her. Everyone looks around. Dale looks the most worried.

"Carol when's the last time you saw your mom?" Shane asks him. He looks at me and then back at Shane.

"This afternoon." He tells him. Andrea speaks up for Carl this time.

"She was worried about Rick, she asked me to look in on the two of them." Andrea tells them. I nod my head and look at Carl.

"She went after them?" Dale questions. Andrea shakes her head and replies quickly.

"She didn't say that." Andrea says. Everyone starts getting up from the table. They all walk out to the yard or stay searching the house. I follow Carl, we stay with Andrea and Dale.

My dad goes to check the yards, Shane goes to the barn, and Carol goes to check for Daryl. Dale and Andrea stay around us, but they also check around the camp with me and Carl. It's dark so I can't see much. Shane and my dad come back.

"I checked the yards." My dad says walking to me. He's shaking his head and looking down. Shane comes after.

"She's not at the barn." Shane tells everyone. Carl looks around nervously and looks at all of them.

"Well where is she?" Carl asks everyone. Carol comes running through the fence, Shane points the light at her.

"She asked Daryl to go into town. Must've gone herself." Carol tells the group. Carl covers his mouth, he starts to cry. Andrea reaches down to try and comfort him. He walks away, I follow him.

Carl walks to the house, when we're midway there we hear a car start. We both turn and watch the SUV drive off, everyone stands still. Me and Carl walk up the steps and sit on the top ones. I watch the moths fly around the porch light.

Carl leans on my shoulder and cries. I don't say anything. After a while Maggie and Patricia come out of the house. Patricia passes by with a sad look on her face. Maggie rubs Carl's shoulder. Carl get up and wipes his eyes, he looks at me.

The car that Shane took comes back. Me and Carl stand up and make our way towards them. Instead of one person coming out of the car, there's two. When me and Carl walk over Lori's hitting Shane.

"Lori I will go after him. I will find him. HEY! Now look first things first, I gotta- I gotta look after you. I gotta make sure the baby's all right okay?" Shane says. Me and Carl look at each other with our mouths open.

"You're having a baby? Why didn't you tell me?" Carl asks. Lori says nothing, she looks around and only little sounds come out. Me and Carl look at each other.

"Come on, let's make sure you're alright. Come on." Dale says to Lori. He grabs her shoulder and Andrea get on the other side. Me and Carl follow them, they walk in the house and stay in the living room.

I sit down on the chair, Andrea gets up and gives me her spot on the couch. I look at her and she nods her head, we switch places and I sit down next to Dale. Lori wipes her head with a cloth and looks at Carl.

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