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Four walls sans windows, a table, two chairs, a door. That's all I've been seeing for hours. Too small for a meeting room, far too empty for an office, probably an interrogation room.

However, no one is interrogating me yet, and I wonder when they'll finally deign to do so. At least they were kind enough to dry my clothes before locking me in. Very attentive.

All of this is indeed more than I dreamed of. I could hardly believe my luck when Potter magically blindfolded me with an Obscuro on the damp grass in front of the watch tent. And absurdly, it was even more reassuring to be pulled up by his followers afterwards, to feel their tight grips, and to know they wouldn't let me go anytime soon.

I was so fucking relieved.

My plan to turn myself in worked out better than I could have ever imagined. The rebels didn't attack me, they just captured me. It's exactly what I was secretly hoping for all those days in the forest when I had enough time to think about the possible outcome of my escape.

Some alternatives weren't as pretty as others.

In fact, this is my favorite.

So I'm sitting in an interrogation room in one of the rebel quarters, maybe even their headquarters. It's just guesswork, I'm not entirely sure, but it's warm, dry and against all expectations I'm still alive. Nope, I really couldn't have imagined it any better.

Thrumming my fingers on the tabletop, I sigh and stretch. I'm incredibly tired but I won't make the mistake of complaining about the fact that they keep me waiting. When I fled, I did so knowing there wasn't much to expect from the rebels, let alone claim. Instead, I have to take every little inch that's given to me. And I'll be content with that. For now.

Voices in the hallway catch my attention. Potter apparently forgot to cast a Silencing Charm on the room. How unfortunate. I may be locked in, but I can hear them loud and clear.

"I refuse to accept that."

"Well, it's not your decision to make."

"And since when do you make decisions like that all by yourself?"

"I didn't. The others agreed with me."

"And here I thought you would place more value on my judgement."

I hear Potter sigh with exhaustion. The second voice is female, distorted with rage and therefore not clearly identifiable, but I still think I know who it belongs to.

Splendid. Potter already has to justify himself for not killing me straightaway when the opportunity presented itself. That's not a big surprise. I'm sure many would have done so without batting an eyelid. That was one of the reasons I picked his shift to turn myself in.

"You're making a mistake, Harry. They probably sent him to spy."

"There's a way to find out."

"Not even Veritaserum will make me trust him."

"I'm not asking that of you."

"Tsk, he is and will always be a traitor."

Damn right.

"But maybe a traitor with the right motives?"

"Fine, I warned you. Don't ask my forgiveness once he's betrayed you."


"I will not."


A lone pair of feet marches away. The conversation is over.

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