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"So, what do we have to pay attention to?"

It's my new role as a consultant that once again allows me to attend an official briefing. The reconnaissance of the Manor is pending, just as I suggested. And apparently Granger had no objections, otherwise I wouldn't be back in the command centre to discuss the next Resistance operation with the rebels just three days after my conversation with Potter.

Aside from me, Blaise, Creevey, the Weasel, one of his brothers (George again, I think) and Zacharias Smith are present. From their whispered words I gathered that the latter has been staying at Camp Grey for the past few weeks, which explains why I haven't met him yet. He's been ignoring me ever since I entered the room, but that's fine with me. Apart from the fact that I already didn't like him at Hogwarts, I don't feel the need for more new friendships for the time being. My involuntary bonds with Creevey, Ginny and Lovegood are definitely enough for now.

Granger is here too and that's no big surprise as I'm sure she'll insist on doing the recce herself. Again. Meanwhile I'm certain that Creevey was right about one thing: she definitely has control issues.

Right now she's sitting casually in one of the chairs while everyone else is standing in front of the wall and examining the blueprints of the Manor that I've prepared. Her legs are resting on the tabletop, her arms are crossed and her face is shimmering greenish. So she really didn't let anyone heal her injuries, which confirms my secret assumptions regarding her masochism.

At least she looks relatively rested today. The shadows under her eyes aren't quite as dark as they were that night in the dining hall, and she's not quite as pale either. Maybe she hasn't been on duty for the past few nights, but I'm still not allowed to see the relevant schedules, so I can't be entirely sure. In fact, I've been on the verge of asking Blaise to undo his Concealing Charm several times, although I don't understand why I care when and where Granger is on night watch.

Suddenly, her dark eyes meet mine and she lifts a well-shaped eyebrow. With a start, I realize I still haven't answered the question Potter asked me a few seconds ago, I was so busy staring at Granger.


I quickly look away.

"The Manor has always been fairly well secured. These are all original wards and defensive measures," I begin, tapping one of the parchments attached to the wall. "You can be sure to find them exactly as I listed them. What you should be looking for are additional alarm spells. Anything not known to me would confirm my suspicions as to the Dark Lord's train of thought. If he truly believes that I am alive, then he will have taken appropriate measures to prevent me from simply marching into my own house."

I grit my teeth and purposely keep my gaze on the wall rather than meeting anyone's eyes.

"Apart from my mother, who doesn't pose a serious threat, there are a few permanent guests at the Manor," I continue. "Definitely Bellatrix, Rodolphus and Rabastan — a lovely, little family reunion. Rowle and Dolohov have taken up residence there as well. Avery is there at times. There aren't many Death Eaters there, but pretty much the élite. Any other person you spot there is an indication that the Dark Lord suspects something. There are usually no extra guard posts as the Manor is already sufficiently protected by its own magic. So if there are any now, then—"

"—that's also an indication, we get it," George Weasley interposes, to which I nod.

"We'll send two people," Potter decides.

I shrug to show my agreement. As long as they don't get caught, two rebels are enough to get an initial overview of the situation.

"Hermione will undertake the recce," he continues.

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