no exit

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chapter eleven ~ no exit

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chapter eleven ~ no exit

the roadhouse

The trio of hunters threw their duffels in the back and shut the trunk of the impala as it laid parked in front of the Harvelle Roadhouse. Dean was explaining a case he had found, "Los Angeles, California."

"What's in LA?" Sam asked.

"A young girl's been kidnapped by an evil cult," Dean explained.

Haven followed the boys as they all walked to their car doors, "Yeah? She got a name?"

Dean played with his car keys, "Katie Holmes."

Sam chuckled, "That's funny and for you, so bitchy."

The sound of plates and glass shattering along with arguing came from inside the roadhouse and filled the hunter's ears.

"Course on the other hand, cat fight," Dean gestured to the roadhouse before the three made their way to the door.

Haven hesitantly opened the door and led the boys into the bar as Jo yelled back at Ellen, "What are you gonna do? You gonna chain me up in the basement?"

Ellen was aggressively moving tables and chairs around, "You know, you've had worse ideas then that recently! Hey, if you don't want to stay, don't stay! Go back to school!"

"I didn't belong there! I was a freak with a knife collection!" Jo yelled back as the trio awkwardly watched them fight.

"Yeah, but getting yourself killed on some nasty backroad? That's where you belong?" Ellen asked. Jo finally noticed the hunters causing Ellen to follow her eye line and sighed, "Guys, bad time."

Sam nodded, "Yes, ma'am."

"Yeah, we rarely drink before 10 anyway," Dean agreed.

"Wait," Jo yelled after them before moving to go stand in front of the trio. "I want to know what they think about this."

Ellen scoffed, "I don't care what they think!"

A family of four walked in the bar with bright yellow Nebraska is for Lovers shirts on, each parent having a child perched on their hip. The dad spoke up, "Are you guys open?"

"NO," Jo yelled as Ellen yelled "YES" at the same time.

"We'll just check out the Arby's down the road," The dad awkwardly laughed before ushering his family out.

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