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chapter thirty-two ~ heart

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chapter thirty-two ~ heart

san francisco, california

At the motel, Dean sat cleaning his guns and Sam grabbed a beer from the fridge after looking at the dead victim's body at the morgue. The hunters were currently talking about the details they've gathered. Haven walked out of the bathroom still trying to dry her hair with a towel, "So this lawyer guy, is he the first one without a heart in town?"

"First man," Sam closed the fridge. "Over the past year, several women have gone missing. Dead bodies all washed up later in the bay, two were deteriorated so they can't come to any conclusions."

"But not hearts?" Dean questioned.

"No hearts," Sam confirmed.

Haven moved for the fridge to grab her own beer after throwing the towel on the dining table as Sam pulled up a chair in front of the bed Dean occupied.

Sam cracked open his beer causing Haven to hold hers out for him to open. He shook his head, switching the bottles with the girl as he explained, "They were all hookers working Hunter's Point, now cops are trying to keep things under raps, but they're looking for a serial killer."

"And the lunar cycle?" Haven asked as she sat down on her and Dean's bed.

"Mmm hmm," Sam said through his sip of beer. "Yeah, month after month the murders happen the week leading up to the full moon."

"Which is this week, right?" Dean asked.

Sam nodded, "Hence the lore."

Dean set his gun and rag down as a smile spread across his face, "Awesome."

"Dean, could you be a bigger geek about this?" Sam remarked causing Haven to snort a laugh.

The oldest Winchester waved him off as he dug around for the wooden box holding all the silver bullets, "I'm sorry, man, but what about a human by day, a freak animal killing machine by night don't you understand? Werewolves are badass, we haven't seen one since we were kids."

Haven reached over to Dean when he sat back down on the bed and ruffled up his hair, "Ok, Sparky, and after that, guess what? We can go to Disneyland."

Sam and Haven started laughing at the hunter, but he continued, "You know what the best part about it is? We already know how to bring these suckers down." Dean held up a silver bullet, "One of these bad boys to the heart. So when's our next move?"

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