folsom prison blues

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chapter thirty-six ~ folsom prison blues

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chapter thirty-six ~ folsom prison blues

little rock, arkansas

"This has got to be the worst plan ever."

The trio of hunters wore black attire as they snuck into an anthropology exhibit, Dean leading the way as Haven made the comment, Sam nodding in agreement.

"Yeah, I got that the first 10 times I heard it from you two," Dean disregarded the duo of friends and kept leading the way with a flashlight and map. The hunter triggering a silent alarm as they passed.

They reached a set of glass cases and each hunter worked at a different lock. Haven had the quickest success with the help of her magic, the lock coming off and the glass sliding open. She ran her fingers over some of the weapons within the case, stopping at a beautifully hand crafted dagger with a leather grip.

Haven grabbed it and stuffed it in her inside pocket of her red leather jacket as a thud of a door opening came from the front entrance of the building. The hunters exchanged a look before quickly exiting the room and heading for the exit.

The trio turned a corner and were met with flashlights being shone in their faces. "Freeze! Don't move!" Cops surrounded them from all exit points, guns raised. "I said, freeze!" One of them yelled when they tried to escape.

"Hold it right there!" A cop yelled when they were blocked from another exit point.

"Put your hands behind your heads and get down on your knees, now!" An officer yelled at the hunters. They complied and raised their arms before sinking down to their knees. A police officer went up to each and handcuffed them roughly, Haven throwing a knowing look at the oldest Winchester.


After taking her mug shots and putting her prints in the database, Haven tried entertaining herself as she sat and waiting in an interrogation room. She'd finally come to the conclusion of either cutting her hair or dying it when two men in suits walked in hours later.

One was of a darker skin tone and look like he was on a mission while the other looked like his lap dog. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you in person, Haven Emerson," The dark man said with a mocking smile. "I'm Special Agent Henriksen. This is my partner, Special Agent Reidy."

"Well, I'm flattered, but I'm already seeing someone. Sorry, boys," Haven tried to deflect with her own smile.

"You know, your boy thinks he's funny too. Dean, right?" Hendriksen threw some files down on the table. "Funny doesn't work here."

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