all hell breaks loose pt. 1

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chapter forty ~ all hell breaks loose

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chapter forty ~ all hell breaks loose

all hell breaks loose pt. 1

The impala roared up to a small cafe in the middle of nowhere, the only other car was a small truck parked right in front. Dean pulled the impala up to the truck and parked the car, keeping the engine running. Dean handed his brother cash, "Hey, don't forget the extra onions this time, huh?"

"Dude, I'm the one who's gonna have to ride in the car with your extra onions," Sam took the money annoyed as Dean gave him a smug smile.

Sam started to get out of the car as Haven climbed over the back seat to the front, "It's better than making out with the extra onions." Sam gave her a disgusted look before heading inside. "I think you need to cut back on your grease addiction."

Dean scoffed, "It's not an addiction and I'm not gonna become a health freak like Sammy. I love bacon too much." The Winchester threw an arm on the back of the seat behind Haven. "You know, if you don't want to make out with the extra onions, I suggest we should get it out of the way now."

"You really know a way to a woman's heart, Dean," Haven joked as she shook her head.

"I like to think so," Dean shrugged before leaning in and connecting their lips. Haven immediately reacted, putting both hands on the nape of his neck as Dean moved his hand on the wheel to her thigh.

Dean deepened the kiss and went to pull the witch onto his lap when she pushed him away, "Dean?" The hunter hummed in response. "Why are you thinking about pie right now?"

He groaned, "Shit, I forgot to tell Sam to get some pie." Haven patted his chest before going to open the passenger door. "Where are you going?"

"To get pie, so you can be focused on just me next time," Haven said before shutting the door and heading inside.

"I love me some pie," Dean murmured to himself when she was gone. Dean watched her walk away and into the diner, smiling to himself that he landed her of all people and yet, couldn't get the djinn's vision out of his head. He started to zone out on the fantasy when the radio started having static. He hit it a couple of times until it completely went out, the hunter looking around the car for sign of anything abnormal.

Dean turned back to face the diner, his brother, girlfriend, and the waitress were no longer inside. He quickly got out of the impala and raced inside. He opened the door and stepped in, music still playing over the jute box while all the customers were bleeding out in their seats. Dean pulled his gun out, "Sam? Haven?"

The hunter moved through the diner, going towards the register. Behind the counter, the stove was still on as the waitress and cook lay dead and bleeding out. Dean walked towards the back door, looking for signs of the duo, but found nothing. He opened the door and was met with rain as it sprinkled down on the vegetation below.

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