Chapter One

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Kiyotaka Ayanokoji POV

"I didn't expect you to be in this class." Kira smiled.

"What are you gonna do? Rat me out to the old man?" I asked her.

"Not at all. I'm here of my own free will. Like you, I don't wish to stand out too much. Unlike you, I'd like to have some good relationships in this school." She smiled.

"You two know each other?" Horikita asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I haven't introduced myself, how rude of me! My name is Kira Ayanokoji, Kiyotaka's twin sister!" She beamed.

 "Would you like to accompany me after class?" Horikita asked. "I'd like to try the cafe downstairs but I don't want to go alone, or with Ayanokoji..." 

"Okay, can't wait!" Kira giggled on her way to her seat and took notes during every lecture that Ms. Chabashira taught.

"Someone's devoted to class," Karuizawa said. "Can I borrow your notes to compare? I missed some things."

"Sure!" She handed the notebook over. 

"How do you take such organized notes?!" Karuizawa asked drawing attention from the rest of the class which swarmed Kira to take a look.

"One at a time, please! It's not that hard to take notes, you just have to pay attention to the lectures!" Kira stumbled out of the crowd, panic flashed in her eyes for a split second. I was sure I was the only one that noticed until Horikita stepped in. 

"Give the girl some space, will you? It's her first day here, we're a few days ahead of her, if anyone should be sharing notes it should be us with her." Horikita scolded. "Ayanokoji, come on class has been dismissed for a few minutes now. If we want a good spot we need to head down."

I followed them to the cafe, curious about what Horikita wanted with my sister until Ryuen stopped me. 

Kira Ayanokoji POV

The cafe was packed out so we ordered our coffees to go and took a walk around the shopping area. We had a wonderful time talking about how weird my brother tended to be and how crappy our class was. We even used some of our points to buy some necessities, the cheapest we could buy, of course. Something felt off, though I couldn't tell what or why until we went our separate ways and a class C boy stopped me. 

"Hey, Kira Ayanokoji, right? I like that name, Kira. How about you stop by my dorm and I can show you a good time? How does that sound?" He pinned me against an alley wall. 

"No thanks, I'm good." I slipped away from him and started running as fast as I could. I wasn't too far away from the dorms so I didn't use up too much energy running home. As soon as I made it to my dorm I locked the door behind me and collapsed onto the bed panting. 

Bzzt. Bzzt. Bzzt

"Hello?" I answered. 

"Kira, are you okay? You sound like you're out of breath." Kiyotaka's voice answered on the other end. 

"Kiyo... I'm fine, I just ran back to the dorm room. That's all. Is that the only reason you called?" 

"I wanted to warn you, there is a class C student targeting you. He came to me today asking about you. I'm not entirely sure what he wants from you, but I have a pretty good idea. Just be careful, okay?" 

"I think that might be the guy that stopped me on my way back..." I muttered. "Kinda tall, purple-ish hair, half buttoned shirt? That sound right?" 

"Yeah, that's him. His name is Kakeru Ryuen. Be careful, he will hurt you if he finds the opportunity. I'm only warning you because you're my sister." 

"Well then I suppose I should tell you there is a dangerous second-year girl highly interested in you. She happened to be there during your fight with Horikita. Recorded the whole incident, but she hasn't sent it to anyone thus far. But she could use it later if she wants something from either of you."

"How do you know she recorded it?"

"She approached me with it asking if you were my brother. I gotta go now, I'll see you in class tomorrow. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." He hung up. A frantic knock on my door startled me off the bed. I opened the door to see who it was when he grabbed my wrists and forced me back into my dorm.

"Thanks for inviting me in." He smirked cruelly. I fought against him as he clamped his hand over my mouth. "Shh. We wouldn't want to be expelled now, would we? If you want your brother to be safe in this school, you'll let me do what I want."

"Mmm!" I tried to speak through his hand.

"What was that?" He finally moved his hand.

"My brother will be fine! He will outsmart you at every turn! Mark my words, he's perfectly safe here! There is nothing you can do about it!" Stinging pain spread across my cheek in an instant before he angrily left my dorm.

I grabbed my hand mirror to see how bad of a mark he'd left. Hope it's gone by morning... I touched the vibrant red handprint gingerly.

I lay down on my side on top of the covers. Hot tears stung my eyes as I tried blinking them away. Hours flew by and all I could do was toss and turn, never once falling asleep.

My alarm sounded at four o'clock ensuring I would be one of the only ones in the showers. I picked my stall threw on my shower shoes and hopped in crouching under the steaming water.

"Hey, are you crying?" Another student opened my stall door. "What happened to you?" She cried seeing my scars and fresh wounds.

"How did you open the stall door?" I asked, keeping my head under the water stream.

"This stall never locks properly. Now, more importantly, did you do this to yourself?" She asked. I didn't have to answer, it was written all over my face.

"I thought you seemed overly happy in class. So, this is what you were hiding?"

"Please don't tell my brother." I asked.

"You aren't worried that I'll tell the others? If I do that word will get around to him anyway."

"You won't do that. The only person I see you actively talking to is my brother, Horikita." I felt my eyes sink just a little more. "Please, forget you saw me like this and say nothing about it to anyone. I doubt my brother would care anyway but I don't want him knowing that our father was right." I turned away from her without thinking, revealing the scars my father had left.

"Are those burn marks?"

"From an iron fire stoker."

"Who did that to you? Your father? Does Ayanokoji know?"

"I doubt he knows anything about it. He was busy dealing with own problems. Please just don't say anything. I'll do whatever you want to keep your mouth shut about it. Okay?" I smiled my most genuine smile and walked over to my towel and clothes.

Ayanokoji Has A Girlfriend?!Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon