Chapter Six

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Kiyotaka Ayanokoji POV

A few hours went by since Kira took off to explore searching for anything we could use to save points.

"Where is Kira?" Horikita asked.

"She went off alone to explore and search for herbs and food. I told her not to go alone but she went anyway."

"What if something happens to her?"

"I'm going to go look for her in a few minutes if you want to come with me."

"Yeah, I'll come with you. Just don't get hurt, I can't carry you." With that, we walked together in the direction I saw Kira go when she left. "Do you have any idea where she could have gone? She's been gone for hours."

"I know exactly the way she took. Look here." I pointed to a tree with a small red K drawn on it.

"Is that-?"

"Lipstick. She never wears it but always keeps it just in case she needs to make a trail to find her way back where she started. Or in this case, help us find her."

A little while later Ryuen found us, Kira cradled in his arms unconscious.

"This belongs to you?" Ryuen placed Kira on my back, only letting go when he knew I had her. "Before you say anything. I had nothing to do with this. One of my subordinates found her like this and came to get me. I saw her markings on the trees and decided to bring her back to you. I wrapped her ankle, it isn't broken but it is bruised pretty bad. Probably sprained. You need to keep a closer eye on your sister. She's gonna get herself killed out here."

"Will do. Thanks for meeting us halfway." I told him. We went our separate ways.

Halfway back to camp, Kira woke up.

"Kiyo?" She mumbled into my shoulder. "I'm sorry."

"What happened?" I asked.

"I found something. I harvested a little bit and put it in my bag but I didn't realize I was standing on hollow ground. It caved in under me when I took a step off of it. I took a pretty hard fall and landed weirdly on my ankle. It took me an hour or so to climb out."

"Why did they find you unconscious?" Horikita asked.

"I fell asleep after I made it out of that hole." She told us. "I woke up after Ryuen picked me up and I was too embarrassed to let him know I was awake so I faked it until I knew he was gone."

"Oh?" I asked. "You wouldn't be falling for him, would you?"

"Absolutely not!" She hit my shoulder. "Let me down."

"You're hurt, I'm carrying you back."

"Please, if you don't want to be thrown up on... let me down." I set her down and she hobbled behind a tree to get sick. "What is wrong with me?!" She muttered.

"Are you okay?" Horikita went to help her.

"I'll be fine." She wiped her mouth on a cloth she pulled from her bag. "I promise."

We waited for her to wash her face in the creek water nearby. I turned away from her and knelt for her to get on my back.

"I can walk. Thank you." She huffed.

"You can either get on my back or I'm carrying you bridal-style. The choice is yours." I warned her.

"I can walk on my own." She took a step and I swept her legs out from under her, catching her in my arms before she could hit the ground. "Is this really necessary?"

"You're injured, you need to rest this up if you don't want to go back to the ship," I told her.

"Fine." She rested her head on my chest defeated. "Just let me down before anyone sees."

"Fine. But as soon as we get there you will sit or lie down in the tent. Understood?"

"Yessir." She sighed. Before long she fell back asleep.

"Are you going to wake her up?" Horikita asked.

"Do you think I should?"

"No. Bring her to the tent, I'll explain that she exhausted herself but she's fine." She walked ahead of us. I brought her into the tent where Karuizawa was resting.

"Oh my goodness, what happened?!" She whispered.

"She's exhausted, just let her rest. She'll be fine." I said. "Ryuen brought her to us when we went looking for her." After I covered Kira with a blanket, I left the tent.

Kakeru Ryuen POV

"Ryuen! That Ayanokoji girl is unconscious in the forest! I don't want to move her in case she's injured." A girl came to me.

"Alright, I'm coming." She led me to Kira who was lying beside a deep hole in the ground. She was covered from head to toe in dirt. "I'm going to check her for injuries. If she fell in there she's gotta be hurt somewhere." I carefully took Kira's jacket off to check for broken bones, luckily nothing was broken or out of place. Bruises formed on her forearms and one of her ankles. "Kira? Are you awake?" I asked with no reply before picking her up to take her back to her class. Her warm breath tickled my chest as she breathed softly. 

When I found Ayanokoji and Suzune I told him to keep a closer eye on his sister or she would end up getting killed and handed her off to him. 

"How is she?" Ibuki asked. 

"She's fine just a sprained ankle and probably a very bruised ego when she wakes up." I said. "I'm going to go check on her later." 

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