Chapter Three

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Suzune Horikita POV

"Have you seen Kira?" Ayanokoji asked. 

"No. It's becoming concerning, how long has it been since you last saw her?" I asked. 

"When she left for that meeting with your brother. He hasn't seen her since the meeting ended either, I already asked him. If there is something you know about her that I need to know, now is the time to speak up." 

"Ayanokoji..." I hesitated. "She asked me specifically not to tell you. But since she's been missing for a week now, I don't have a choice. To preface this, I saw her in the shower. She was in the stall that doesn't lock, Ayanokoji... she was covered in scars and fresh cuts. She'd been crying, even after I opened the door she kept her head under the water to hide her tears. It was the first time I saw her without a smile. She was totally different than the way she usually presents herself. It was hard to witness. When she turned away from me I saw the scars on her back from someone burning her with a fire stoker. She's mentally unstable, probably depressed and anxious. She hides it behind perfect smiles. And now she's gone and no one knows where she is." I let everything out as calmly as I could even though the only person that could make sense of Ayanokoji was missing, the one person I could potentially call my friend. 

"We should ask Ms. Chabashira to check her dorm room." Ayanokoji suggested.

"Yeah. You're right." I walked up to the desk to ask her. "Ms. Chabashira?" 

"Yes, Horikita?" 

"Do you think you could check on Ayanokoji? No one has seen her for a week. At least if you check her dorm we'll know for sure if she's missing or just skipping class." 

"Alright. Her safety is on the line after all. Class, I'll be back for the next lecture. Hang out here and study while I'm gone." Ms. Chabashira told us. 

She walked out of the classroom and everyone got on their phones or games. 

Sae Chabashira POV

I unlocked Kira Ayanokoji's dorm room to find it empty. The bed was pristine as if it hadn't been used for a while. A thin blanket of dust covered her belongings proving nothing had been touched in days. A student had gone missing right under our noses! 

"Hey, I need you to help me search the campus for a missing student. I thought she was skipping class, but I was wrong." I told the chairman of the school. "Her name is Kira Ayanokoji. She's one of my students in class 1D. Please scan the entire campus for her." 

"Will do. We can't let word of this disappearance get out. For now, she's just skipping class for whatever reason you deem acceptable. It won't count against her unless it's proven she really is just skipping. For now do what you can to stop the spread of rumors before they spread and ruin the schools reputation." He told me. 

"Will do. Thank you, sir." We hung up and I locked the dorm back up and went back to class. 

"Was she there?" Horikita and Ayanokoji asked in unison. 

"She's fine, just caught a nasty cold. That's why she hasn't been answering anybody, she asked me to tell you all that she is fine and doesn't want you to worry about her." I lied. "She doesn't want any visitors because she would hate to get anyone else sick. She'll be coming back to class when she feels better." I felt disgusting lying to them about it, especially to Ayanokoji. If anyone had a right to know, it was him.

Kiyotaka Ayanokoji POV

Ms. Chabashira held it together well enough to fool most of the class, but I knew better. I had a feeling Horikita did too, especially after security around campus was tightened, it was clear something had happened to Kira. My best guess was the school didn't want the news of a student disappearance to get out and spread. 

Once class was over, I approached Ms. Chabashira alone. 

"Ms. Chabashira, what's really going on? My sister isn't in her dorm, is she?" I asked. After a long pause, she finally told me the truth. Kira hadn't been in her room for a while and they had no clue where to start looking for her. Her school issued phone was in her dorm so there was no way to track her down. "Look through the camera footage from the last day anyone saw her. Follow her around campus, she disappeared immediately after the student council was done with her. Start there." I told her. 

"We already have. The footage from that day is gone. Somehow someone managed to delete the footage, backups too." 

"I think I might be able to help with that." A girl crept up to us.

"You are?" Ms. Chabashira asked.

"My apologies, my name is Rin Okami."

"Okami? You're a second year right?" I asked.

"Right. As long as you don't ask questions I can help you recover the lost footage." She explained.

"Do it and you'll be rewarded for your efforts in this investigation as well as for your silence about it. You too, Ayanokoji." Ms. Chabashira said.

Okami took out a computer from her bag and sat down on the roof in front of us. Seconds turned to minutes as we waited in silence, only the sound of keys clicking echoed around us. The minutes went by to a half hour, then forty-five minutes... after an hour of silence Okami finally spoke up.

"I got it. This guy is good. He avoided the cameras well. Look." She showed us the moment Kira was taken. There weren't many people in the hallways at the time and he angled himself away from the cameras. "Give me some time to make backups and hard copies."

"Can you do that in your dorm? I'd hate for something to happen to you up here." Ms. Chabashira said.

"I think I'm actually safer up here. Honestly, there is a camera coming up to the door that can't be avoided. If something happens up here it will be caught on camera and if I'm right he can't get back into the system." Okami smiled. Her smile was the same as Kira's, making me wonder if she wasn't hiding a battle too.

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