Chapter Nine

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Rin Okami POV

Manabu Horikita... the student council president summoned me after class as soon as that prick from class tattled on Kiyo for defending me.

"Yes, student council president? Can I assist you in any way?" I said in the sweetest voice I could muster.

"Did Ayanokoji assault this boy?" He pointed in his direction.

"He slapped me in the face after nearly breaking my wrist!" The boy shouted.

"Maybe if you didn't try to assault me, it wouldn't have happened! Did you ever think of that? I believe your exact response to him asking you to take your hands off of me was and I quote "Make me" Is that correct?"

"Well... yeah."

"I still have bruises because of you and you're worried about a slap that didn't leave a mark for that long?" I continued.

"You have bruises?" Horikita asked. I approached him and used a makeup wipe from my bag to clear away the concealer I had been using to hide them.

"They aren't as bad today but when they first formed even concealer wouldn't hide them they were so dark," I explained.

"Case dismissed. Okami you may take your leave now, I will deal with this fool's punishment myself." Horkita ushered me away and closed the door behind me.

"Kay, bye!" I called through the door. "Jerk," I mumbled walking away from the room.

"Who's a jerk?" Kiyotaka asked behind me. The breath left my body as I jumped away from him.

"Oh my- Kiyo? When did you get there?! You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

"You need to be more aware of your surroundings." He told me. "I was standing outside the student council room pretty much the whole time you were in there." He interlocked our fingers and led me out of the building.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Wherever you want to go. So, tell me, where to first?" He squeezed my hand gently.

"Let's go get a coffee?" I smiled. He led the way never once letting go of my hand. After we got our orders we sat down in a small Italian diner to eat. Of course, for dessert, we shared an order of strawberry Gelato.

"Where to now?" He asked.

"If you don't mind, there's a new bookstore I've been wanting to check out. If you don't want to come with me that's fine, I can go some other ti-." I rambled until he put a finger against my lips.

"Let's go." He adjusted his grip on my hand and let me lead the way to the bookstore. My cheeks have never felt so warm in my life as they did on the way to the shop.

Rin stop it! You can't genuinely fall in love with him, you idiot! Don't get attached. He doesn't feel the same, he never will. That father of his made sure of it. I shook myself and steeled my nerves.

"Here we are." I smiled leaning forward a bit. "Thank you for everything today, I feel a lot better now."

I scoured through the books before settling on a fantasy romance novel that cost twenty points.

"Anywhere else?"

"I want to know where you want to go," I told him. "This whole date has just been about me so far. So, tell me, where to?"

"I'm not sure. I guess I should get some necessities for the dorm. Mind coming with me?" He asked.

"Sure thing!" I hugged him quickly before letting him lead the way to the shop he wanted to go to. After we got everything we needed we went to his dorm room to relax. He locked the door to prevent anyone from barging in. "Do your classmates barge in often?"

"Unfortunately, yeah. They seem to think of my dorm as the best gathering place. Then they also complain about how little there is in here." He sighed. "Oh well, I guess."

"You know you don't have to be indifferent to everything, right? You're just as human as the rest of us. I'm sure you've got emotions in there somewhere." I sat down on his bed.

"There's no point." He said. "Emotions come from a place of anticipation and surprise. I can't have either so I can't feel as strongly as other people."

"It's okay to let loose and feel things in the moment. Have a little fun, smile a little." I poked his cheeks playfully. "It's okay to let your guard down." Suddenly I found myself pinned under him, gazing into his bright eyes. 

"And what about you? Hiding everything behind your unwavering smile." His breath tickled my ear as he leaned down. For the first time I felt my smile fade in front of him for more than a second. "Show me what you're hiding." Just like that my will buckled and broke as hot tears stung my eyes. He watched me carefully as I tried to hold everything back. I turned my head away from him only to be gently guided back with his hand. Forced to stare into his prying eyes. "What do you know about the white room?" He asked. 

"I know plenty. The cruelty that goes on unchecked in that prison has killed far too many children." I blinked away my tears. "That's why I escaped." 

"You were the one?" He moved back a few centimeters. "I thought you were a year below me." 

"I was. When I got out and applied here they accepted me despite my age because unlike their waiting list at the time, I passed the entrance exams." 

"I heard that you were left in the forest to survive, was that true?" He asked. 

"Yes. The staff dragged me out when I refused to cooperate and dropped me off in the forest nearby to survive on my own or die trying. Clearly I survived." I scoffed. "I found my way here a few months after I was dropped off in the forest." 

"What is it that you really want?" 

"I've already told you what I want." I paused for a moment. "You." 


"I need you to defeat your father in this pointless war between you two." 


"That's my business. You'll just have to wait and see. Is that enough interrogation for tonight?" 

"Fine. It's getting late anyway, you should get back to your dorm." He said with his gaze unchanged. 

"I really do like you, for whatever twisted reason. I can't quite put my finger on it." I kissed his cheek before leaving. 

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