Chapter Eight

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Suzune Horikita POV

I ended up leaving the exam early and watched the results on the tv in my room. Class D won! I went straight to Ayanokoji to ask how in the world we won. He told me that when I was too sick to move he sent me off the island and took my place as leader so everyone guessed wrong because I was no longer the leader. He also told me that he told everyone in class D that it was my idea. 

"Have you heard?" Some Class C girls murmured in the hallway. "That Class D guy... Ayanokoji I think? Anyway he's dating the second-year girl Rin Okami! How did he score that beauty?" 

"I think she's from 2-A isn't she? What's a Class A student doing with D Class anyway?" Another girl replied. As if on cue, Rin came around the corner. "Okami?!" She squeaked. 

"Yes?" Rin put on a smile. "Can I help you?" 

"I was wondering." I cut in. "What is all this talk about you and Ayanokoji being a couple?" 

"It's true. We made it official back on the island." She smiled more genuinely. 

"What do you see in him?" I asked. 

"He's smart, he's cute, he's athletic even if he has no interest in sports, and I actually really like him." She shrugged still wearing her innocent smile. "I also like the fact he doesn't show interest in anyone else." 

"Does Kira know?" I asked. 

"Oh, yeah! She was the first to find out and blabbed it to your class on the island." Rin giggled. "She was so excited that Kiyo took an interest." 

"Just be careful, okay? I don't want you getting hurt because of him." 

"Don't worry, that won't happen." She got closer with a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Thanks for your concern." 

A sense of dread washed over me. Ayanokoji, what have you gotten yourself into? I watched Rin walk away. I knew that Ayanokoji was dangerous in his own right, I witnessed it time and time again, but we knew nothing about Rin. How did she get him to agree to be with her? 

Kira Ayanokoji POV

"Why did you agree to be with her?" I asked. "I know she's amazingly beautiful, but I doubt that's your motive." 

"She knows about the white room." He told me quietly. My heart sank, who did we just get ourselves involved with? "She also knows everything I've done in this class. She knows everything, even the fact that I keep my grades consistent on purpose." What?

"What are you going to do?" 

"I'm going to stick to the agreement I made with her. She knows that if she stands in my way, one way or another she's going to be removed from the equation. As long as she's useful and doesn't try anything stupid, I don't care what she knows." He said. "Our agreement is protection for silence and information. If she breaks her end, I won't hesitate to break mine." 

"Got it." I hesitated. "Are you sure you should be involved with her though? She's smart enough to hack the school's systems, she has the equipment, the points, everything that we don't on top of the know-how." 

"She won't do anything. Like I said, the deal is for her protection. If she gets rid of me, she won't be protected anymore." 

"What is she so afraid of that she has to hide behind you?" 

"I don't know. But she's certain that I'm the one that can protect her. She went as far as to say that she needed me and she'd do anything to have me. Honestly, I don't completely trust her, she's too good of an actress. Either that or she has multiple personalities." 

I watched her for the next few days, her smile never faltered while she was around people. Only when she thought no one was looking would her smile fall. Each time she let her smile fall, she looked more and more exhausted. 

On the last day that I watched her, a third-year boy approached her aggressively trapping her against the wall. 

"I have a boyfriend, so please leave me alone." She smiled sweetly at first. 

"I don't care. That first-year boy can stay out of this. You belong to me. Understand?" He wrapped his fingers around her throat with one hand and with the other he pinned one of her wrists to the wall and forcibly kissed her before she could cry out for help. 

"Excuse me?! That's my brother's girlfriend you're forcing yourself on right there!" I yelled loudly. "Leave her alone!" 

"This is none of your business, brat!" He backhanded me just in time for Kiyotaka to come around the corner. 

"I suggest you take your hands off my girlfriend." Kiyo said. 

"Make me." The boy would regret those words... Kiyo grabbed the boy's wrist with a sickening crack forcing him to let go of her. He swung at Kiyo who dodged easily and slapped him across the face. The boy ran away before the crowd could gather and Kiyo took Rin's hand helping her stand. 

"Um... thank you." She whimpered. 

"Are you okay?" He asked leading her away from the drawing crowd, bruises started forming on her throat where the boy squeezed too hard. 

"I'll be fine." She said. 

"That's not what I asked." 

"I mean, it hurts, but that goes without saying I think. I'm more shaken up than anything. That's the most stubborn boy I've ever met. I can't wait until he graduates and gets out of my life forever." She said a little more confidently. 

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