Chapter Seven

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Kiyotaka Ayanokoji POV

"Ayanokoji, can I talk to you? Alone." Okami asked. 

"Sure, what's up?" I walked with her on Kira's path. 

"Do you have any romantic interests? At all? From what the girls in your class are saying, the only girl you ever openly talk to is Horikita, but I know what the situation is with her. I'm just curious is all. If you don't want to answer I totally get it." She smiled. 

"Not necessarily. I don't know very many people outside of my class and well, I'm not interested in anyone in my class." I told her. 

"What do you think your preference would be?" 

"I don't know, I've never really given it much thought." I paused. "What would be your preference?" Her cheeks reddened at my question. 

"Well, I think someone like you would be my preference. Smart but humble, even though you don't smile... at all. You're kind in your own right. I mean you're doing the most for your class to progress. You don't have to do that, you could easily drag them back or abandon them completely. Whatever you choose. Yet you stick around and adjust your grades to suit their level. A real mastermind, you are." She whispered the last part in my ear. 

"How much do you know?" 

"Quick to the point, huh?" She smiled. "I know everything. About you using Horikita to keep the spotlight off yourself. Your grades are average, but that's easy to fake when your smart enough. The fact that you get the exact same score on everything, except for the exam where your classmates were threatened with expulsion, gave you away in an instant. Horikita is smart, don't get me wrong, but she's not smarter than you. Sure that's book smarts whatever. What gave it away with "Horikita's" ideas was the fact you were always right there. You sir, are the puppet master of Class D. There is no mistake about that." 

"How did you figure it out?" I asked. 

"Easy..." She paused. "I paid attention." Her smile was innocent as ever. 

"What do you want?" 

"You." She pursed her lips and walked her fingers from my chest to my chin. "It's always been you, since the moment I heard you enrolled here." 

"Why me?" 

"You don't need to know that just yet." Her smile twisted cruelly for a moment as she narrowed her eyes at me. "I'm sure you'll figure it out in time anyway." Innocence washed over her demeanor once more. "For now, let's just get through this special exam. Shall we?" She pushed herself up on her toes to kiss my cheek. "Your secret is safe with me. I have no intention of letting you get expelled. I like you too much for that." She whispered softly in my ear. 

"You realize if you get in my way, I will take action to get you expelled." 

"Of course, I'd expect no less. You seem rather heartless but I'm curious, why is that?" She asked. "The white room, perhaps?" She knows about that place? How? "Have I piqued your interest?" 

"Perhaps. What do you know about the white room?" I asked. 

"I'll tell you sometime, just not right now." 

"What's your game?" I grabbed her wrist as she tried to walk away. She swung around and wrapped her arms around me. 

"I need you. I'll do whatever it takes to have you. Do you understand that?" She looked up at me with teary eyes. 

"Why do you need me?" 

"Protection and an excuse for the boys in class to leave me alone." She said. "I know you can handle yourself if they mess with you, and you can easily get them expelled without a second thought if the need arises. Even if you have to fake it, please... don't cast me away. I can be useful to you without getting in your way." I put a finger under her chin to draw her closer and kissed her lips. 

"It's a deal. As long as you're useful to me, I'll be your protection." I pulled away from her. 

"Sounds good. Though we should actually act like a couple, Hirata and Karuizawa haven't figured that part out well enough. It's kind of obvious they aren't a real couple, and if they are... they aren't good for each other." She averted her eyes as her cheeks slowly got redder. 

"What's wrong?" I asked. 

"Honestly, I wasn't expecting to get this far so quickly." She smiled innocently. "Glad I brought it up." 

"What do you want from me as your boyfriend?" 

"Treat me like any good boyfriend would treat their girlfriends. Honestly, I've never had a boyfriend, so I don't know what to expect. Maybe get some advice from some of your classmates?" 

Rin Okami POV

I'll have to ask Asahina when I get back about this relationship thing...

The heat didn't leave my cheeks for a few minutes after he kissed me, I hid away from the group until I got cold and had to return. 

"So, you two are official then?" Kira snuck up on me. 

"I guess you could say that, yeah." I smiled foolishly. 

"How'd you manage that?" Kira asked genuinely. "I didn't think he'd go for it, I've never seen him show interest in anyone." 

"I'll tell you later." I winked feeling the blood rush back to my cheeks. I watched the guys swarm Ayanokoji as soon as they found out. "News spreads fast, huh?" I chuckled knowing how much the swarm probably annoyed him. 

"Okami!" One of the boys called me over. "What made you choose this guy?" 

"One. He's smart. Two. He's cute. Three. I have a thing for the silent types." I winked at him playfully. Of course, those weren't my only motives. My biggest motive was his father, leader of the white room.

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