"But you run away like a fish"

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Noeul POV:

I just don't understand why I even go through all this crap. Now I'm on this crappy plane to Thailand to live with my dad and his new lap dog. I didn't even want to go to this stupid university, let alone become a lawyer. But nobody asks me, I just have to function for them. This family is going to put me in my grave.

"Noeul darling!" I just got off the plane and the sun was blinding my face way too much. It felt like I was being poked in the eyes over and over with a tiny needle.

"P'Mon?!" But before I could say anything else, I was already pulled into an intimate and warm embrace. "You're smothering me!" I tried to gently push the middle-aged lady, who was a head shorter than me, off me and gasped.

"It's so good to have you back my little Eul." She smiled warmly at me and pulled me behind her by my sleeve. "It's also important that you're here." Her voice sounded more serious but still friendly.

I've known P'Mon all my life. She is the housewife in our estate and actually she was always the only one I could trust with everything. I liked her very much and realized at that moment how much I had missed her. After my parents separated three years ago, I had moved to South Korea with my mother and graduated.

"I'm glad to see you." I only whispered this and unconsciously pressed myself more against her. Her warmth made me feel safe and secure, just like before, just like I always had.

- A little later -

"Is Dad here?" The words came out of my mouth without thought and I dropped my carry-on on the floor. "No, he's still at the office and won't be back until late. Why don't you go to your room until then and I'll make you something to eat. You are so skinny my child." P'Mon clasped my chin and eyed me skeptically.

"It's fine Phi." An answer that would shut her up, at least for a short time. Gently I squeezed her hand from my chin and gave her an almost childish grin. I knew she liked it, she always did.

In the dark, my hand searched for the light switch of my room and after a soft click, the room lit up. Nothing had changed, even the bedding was the same and probably just freshly made. Sighing, I flopped down on my bed and ran a hand through my hair.

"What a load of crap. I'm really not up for this bullshit." I talked to myself. Who else was going to hear me but the walls and the suitcases that had already been brought into my room?!

Suddenly, though, my head shot up when I heard a soft clearing of throat. "Hello?" I literally jumped off my bed and walked to my room door. "Funny..." With a raised eyebrow, I looked around the hallway but there was nothing to be seen. You're not going crazy Noeul now, are you?!

"Sit down my dear, I've prepared your favorite meal." Pancakes?! Irritated by this, I looked at P'Mon but sat down quietly. "Thanks, I... really like those." With a grin, I grabbed the fork and stuffed the pancake into my mouth piece by piece. I hate pancakes and I was sure she actually knew that.

"Your dad probably won't be back until you're asleep. Do you want anything special for breakfast?" I sighed. Figures. "No thanks Phi. My orientation week starts tomorrow and I don't want to be late." I rolled my eyes and stood up.

"Good night." The longer I could avoid this man who calls himself my dad, the better.

- The next morning -

I woke up early and generally, I barely slept. Sometimes I even thought I heard voices and music. It was a terrible night.

I pushed the warm blanket wildly off my heated body with my feet and puffed. Really I didn't feel like it, but I didn't have many options and I was dependent on this family, as much as it annoyed me.
I ran my hand through my still disheveled hair and then finally disappeared into the adjoining bathroom to shower. Cold.

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