"Ninja B?"

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Noeul POV

Fort told me about how he was in that hotel room and that a misunderstanding led to a terrible incident. However, I had a strong feeling that he had by no means told me everything and continued to think skeptically about everything. Nonetheless, the boy was pretty much done with the world and I sent him up to the bathroom for now.

"Noeul, is everything okay?" Peat was still sitting in the living room waiting for me. I wasn't sure what to answer and if I could even answer that question with good or bad. I took a deep breath, looked Peat in the eye and gave him a gentle smile.

"Yeah, it's all good. Fort just needs a moment to himself." "Fort?" Peat looked at me questioningly after I joined him back on the couch. "He's kind of like my babysitter." I rolled my eyes. "But he's actually pretty nice, I think. Anyway, he's not pushy." Peat nodded in understanding. A sudden ring, made my head jerk to the front door.

What the heck is going on here today? Open house or what!

"Excuse me a minute, again." I was starting to feel sorry for Peat, I didn't want to leave my buddy alone so often, for so long. Especially since it was me who had begged him to come home with me. "It's okay Noeul. I'll get out of here for a bit myself. For little boys." He winked at me and then disappeared into the upstairs of my house.

The doorbell rang again. I startled up and rushed to the door. I had almost forgotten that it had rung before, and without looking at the screen, I opened the door.

"Boss?" But I didn't even get a chance to say more as he pressed his hand over my mouth and pushed me back inside. He locked the door and his other hand went to the light switch.

"Shut up and turn off the lights everywhere, now." He sounded serious. A little too serious for my taste and I felt my body start to shake. What a day...

"It's fine." I just whispered, already almost running into every room to turn off the lights. I was sure that Boss must have a good explanation for his appearance. After everything was dark and it was quiet, I tried to perceive Boss by any sounds, but there was nothing but silence.

"Boss?" I continued to whisper, feeling my way forward. My fingers ran over the cold kitchen countertop and my feet moved forward slowly and cautiously. "Chaikamon?" Now it was starting to bug me and a weird feeling was spreading in my stomach.

"Shh, you have to be quiet now. Don't move." I felt Boss's hot breath on my ear and winced significantly. His hands settled gently but firmly on my waist. "What are you doing?" I growled, feeling his blunt laugh.

Jerkily Boss turned me to face him so that our upper bodies slammed against each other and I threatened to lose my balance, but Boss put his hand protectively on my back so that I couldn't fall.

The light that kept flaring from the moon through the kitchen window gave me insight into how close we were and especially how close his face was to mine.

"I told you to be quiet." He whispered and I felt his warm breath again, but this time right against my lips and I gasped. A strong goosebump ran through my body and if Boss wasn't holding my body so strongly, I probably would have sunk into the ground. Here, right in front of him.

A loud clang made both him and me jump up and jerkily he pressed me even tighter against him. "I can't breathe like this." I clarified, whining and groaning for air. "Is there anyone else in this house?" "Yeah, Peat and Fort." I said honestly, trying to break free of his constraints.

"Who's Peat?" Surprised that he was only asking about Peat, I raised an eyebrow. "My friend." I answered him with a dry tone. "Your boyfriend or a friend?" "I'm not gay, if that's what you're getting at." I replied defiantly and a little too quickly.

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