"Lost in Paradise?"

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Before you will read this chapter, I want to warn you that there will be a TW. It is short and involves the abuse of drugs. If you don't feel up to reading something like this, you can skip the chapter or read it only with a chaperone.


Noeul POV

"Who does he think he is anyway?" Still annoyed with Boss, by now I had stalked into my room with a towel wrapped around my waist.

"Crap." Just as I was about to grab some new clothes from my closet, I remembered that I had already taken some to the bathroom. "This guy is completely messing with my head." Annoyed, I slammed my closet door and disappeared back into the bathroom.

"Noeul my darling, there you are at last." P'Mon was probably the only one who was really happy that I was here, which is why I gave her a quick smile.

Boss and to my surprise, my father, were already sitting at the table waiting patiently. My father was more engrossed in his smartphone and Boss grinned at me. "What are you grinning at?" I just couldn't hold back my comment.

"Nuttarat Tangwai!" My father admonished me and quietly I dropped into the chair across from Boss. "Thank you for the food Pi! I'm sure it tastes great." Boss seemed to have already sucked up to P'Mon mightily. If looks could kill, he would probably have died the seventh time by now.

It made me mad as hell how fond they seemed to be of Boss. P'Mon was petting him in one go, and we'd only been sitting at that damn table for ten minutes.

I just poked at my food, my appetite completely lost. "Noeul honey, now at least eat a little." I sighed and dropped my fork on my plate. "Sorry Pi." After those words, I stood up silently, leaving the three of them alone at the dinner table.

I was aware that P'Mon was worried about me but equally I didn't care at that moment. I knew for a fact that if I stuffed myself with anything right now, I'd throw it up in an hour, so I just saved myself that.

"Hey wait a minute!" Boss his voice stopped my movement. "What do you want?" "That you eat something, at least a little." His voice sounded calm and warm, very different from before. By now I really think this guy suffers from mood swings.

"Don't act like you care about me, and to be honest, you can stick it."

Boss laughed but this time there was something dark in it. "You really are naughty. Didn't they teach you any decency?" I eyed him with a raised eyebrow, up and down, and laughed wryly.

"It's usually up to the person in front of you, and now excuse me. I want to use my time more wisely than talking to you." With that announcement, I yanked open my bedroom door, quickly disappearing behind it and slamming the door violently.

"Better safe than sorry." I didn't trust Boss or what this weird guy could possibly be capable of, which is why I hastily locked my room door.

My ear was pressed tightly to the dense wood but I couldn't hear anything, no footsteps or even his breathing. "Is he gone?" I thought about checking to be sure, but quickly dismissed the idea. "Let him stay where the pepper grows." - (for anyone confused: thats a german saying and i couldnt held myself to use it)

- The next day -

"Come on Noeul, please join us. You'd be perfect for it!" "You're out of your mind, there's no way I'm wearing that stupid thing." Peat had been trying to convince me to join their class since the beginning of the morning.

He pressed the costume in against my chest, forcing me to hold it in place, and grinned at me with satisfaction. "I'll take that as a yes. Then tonight at 7pm, be on time." "Hey wait a minute Peat!" But by then he had disappeared, leaving me standing alone in the hallway. "Great..."

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