"Sulky Pancakes"

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Noeul POV

Slightly I opened my eyes, still feeling dazed and feeling how I couldn't move my body. Only slowly I lifted my head, I didn't have much strength left and I felt like I was going to puke at any moment.

Darkness. It was dark when I opened my eyes and only now did I realize that my eyes were closed and my body was tethered.

I tried to perceive any sounds but there was nothing but silence. An incredible amount of adrenaline ran through my body until I finally started to shiver. It was cold and more cold kept sloshing against my loins.

"Hello?" My voice was hoarse, as if I had been screaming all night. "Water?" I whisper, more to myself, and began to panic inside. "He-"

Someone cut off my words and pressed their hand over my mouth. "Be quiet if you want to get out of here alive." The person whispered so that probably only I could hear, and cautiously I nodded.

"So what do we do with him now? Any ideas?" I considered who was speaking, but my head was still too foggy to perceive anything properly. "Kill him?" "Are you crazy?" I heard a loud thump, like someone had hit someone in the back of the head.

"Man...I don't want to kill him, I just want..." "Fort?" His name blurted out so loudly out of my mouth that silence fell again. "What do you want from me?" Courage sprang up after everyone fell silent and I gradually became aware of what was happening.

"Do something already!" Shouted the other suddenly and my body jerked at the volume. A heavy blow to the back of my head was the last thing I felt before I lost consciousness again.

- The Next Morning -

Painfully, my whole body contracted and I rolled onto my side. "What kind of night was that..." "Good question my dear, you look like shit." I jerked my eyes open and my upper body went up way too fast, once again sending a strong pull through my head.

"Peat?" "Yeah, I mean, I'm not Santa." Sarcastic as ever. He laughed and shook his head in amusement.

"What happened?" I held my head and struggled to stay seated. "That's what I was about to ask you. Where were you all of a sudden yesterday?" I raised my eyebrow and eyed my buddy. "I don't know..."

"Noeul? Your father is asking about you." Fort knocked on my door and took a step inside. I stared at him for a while and then nodded. "It's fine." I had no strength to argue and more or less staggered into the bathroom.

After a long, hot shower that my body clearly needed, I threw on my sweatpants and hoodie, and sauntered down the stairs. There was no sign of Fort or Peat for miles, presumably Peat had gone back home in the meantime.

"Dad?" I knocked on his door and peeked my head through the crack. "Come on in, I'm alone." I responded to his instruction and entered his office. It seemed cold in here and the mood was lonely.

"Is everything okay with you Noeul? I'm worried." Confused, I drew my eyebrows together and looked questioningly at my father. "Fort picked you up last night. You were apparently completely drunk and soaking wet. What are you up to?"

For a moment I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. "Dad-" "No, don't even try to talk yourself out of it. That's it now, you're just going to class and coming home right after." "But Dad-" "Don't argue. I'm not going to watch my only son crash and burn just because he sees college life as a party invitation."

I looked at him, stunned, and felt tears welling up in my eyes. His look was serious and made me lower mine. He sighed loudly and I could hear him running his hand over his three-day beard.

"Noeul, I hope you understand that I'm trying to help you with this." I said nothing and didn't move. "Peat is welcome to continue to come here with you. He seems reasonable to me." At least a bright spot in my downfall but I still felt unfairly treated.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2023 ⏰

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