"How far do I have to go?"

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TW: There is some violence and gory scenes in this chapter. If you don't feel up to reading something like this, skip this chapter or don't read it without supervision.

Fort POV

I've been with the Tangwei family for about two months now. Living under the same roof with them, eating in the same house, and following their every move, with one goal: revenge.

I have nothing left in my life, my parents died about three years ago. Supposedly in a car accident, at least that's what the autopsy report says. I know for a fact that's not the case. I know they were killed and the culprit is none other than Nuttarat's father.

Why am I living in a house with them? It was not planned but it seemed to me the best way to realize my plan. One job offer I applied for and I was already in the middle of it.The only problem that stood in my way, however, was that I realized that Noeul was my age. I liked him, he was cheeky but also nice to me. Would it be fair to take from him what was taken from me?

Many questions haunted me, especially since Noeul came to this house with me. It would have been so easy if he had stayed in Korea. Then I would not have to consider him.

- On the evening of the event -

"Away man, where have you been so long?" I closed the huge gate of the hall behind me and pulled off my helmet. "I had some business to take care of, calm down, I'm here now." Annoyed by Gun's voice, I just walked past him and plopped down on the old sofa.

"We have an extra class assignment for today my dear, don't even sit down so comfortably." He tossed a large brown envelope onto my lap and gestured with his gaze for me to open it immediately. "What's it about?" "Read it for yourself, I'm curious to see your reaction." He grinned at me with dark eyes and critically I opened the envelope.

"Is this a joke?" "Absolutely not." "Seducing the superior's daughter? That's supposed to be my job?" Annoyed, I threw the envelope on the floor. "You don't understand, look at the sum." "I don't give a fuck about the sum-." Gun held the piece of paper right in front of me and I stopped mid-sentence.

"Shit really?" He nodded. "And I'm just supposed to carry it out? That's it?" Again, Gun just nodded. Something about this assignment gave me a weird feeling, was it really going to be that easy?

"Go get changed, your clothes are ready in the back room." Stunned that he had just gotten something, I huffed and disappeared into the room a short time later.

A wine red suit wasn't usually the right attire for the jobs I usually had but for a change this one did. Gun had already disappeared and left me only the note, which I folded and put in my back pocket.

The loud humming of my motorcycle was the only noise that could be heard over the whole place and without thinking about it I drove to the given address. In front of a rather noble hotel I finally came to a stop and was amazed after I ran into it. One last check in the window pane and I put on my most charming smile I had to give.

"Good evening sir, do you have a reservation?" The guy at the review didn't really let the customers breathe.

"Hemhiran. I have an appointment." My voice was stern but didn't sound unfriendly. I wasn't used to hotels like this, of course, but I knew exactly how to behave to belong.

"Follow me, please." He pulled out a card and headed for the elevators. I still had a strange feeling, but tried not to let it show. It was quiet in the elevator, the only thing you could hear was the annoying melody.

"Here we are, have a nice stay sir." He opened the door for me and disappeared again. I took a deep breath, put on my smile again and entered the room.

"Oh Gun, Gun is it you?" The feminine voice lured me further into the room and I stopped when I saw a young woman, wearing only lingerie and a robe sitting on the bed. She was waving a glass of wine around in her hand and eyeing me up and down.

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