"Devil N!"

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Noeul POV

Slowly Boss started to move his lips against mine, but before it got too intense I gathered all my strength and pushed his body away from me.

Stunned, I stared at him. "Are you actually completely crazy? What part of 'I'm not gay' didn't you actually understand?" Tears stood in my eyes and my body shook with anger.

Boss said nothing and looked at me emotionlessly and said nothing. I couldn't interpret his actions and his secrecy. "You're such an asshole, do you know that?" My body finally gathered new strength and without waiting for any answer, which probably wouldn't come anyway, I ran out of his room.

"Peat? Peat, are you there?" I found myself standing in front of Peat's apartment door and knocking on it frantically. My pulse was still very high and I had a feeling Peat could help me. He had become a friend to me in that short time, making me feel safe and secure.

"Peat..." No one opened the door. Leaning my back against it, I slid down into a crouch and pulled my knees tight to my torso. Hiding my head, I sighed. I felt even lonelier than usual at that moment.

I didn't know how long I sat there like that, but eventually my pulse had calmed down and I took a deep breath in and out. "Fuck it Noeul, that doesn't mean anything. HE doesn't mean anything." I talked to myself, trying to calm myself down that way.

My mind kept circling around Boss and that kiss. The kiss. It was my first kiss and then from a guy I couldn't really stand. Again I dropped my head in my lap and sighed, "Do I deserve this?"

"I'm not sure what it's about but maybe you did, maybe you didn't." Immediately my head went up and I looked into two dark eyes. "Peat..." Suddenly I started sobbing and my heart felt relieved.

Peat just looked at me. By now he was sitting next to me. He didn't ask any more questions, probably waiting for me to say something on my own, and silently kept me company.

"Have you ever... have you ever kissed someone you don't even like?" Peat grumbled and seemed to be thinking. I felt my cheeks grow warm and dared to look over at him only dare.

"Yeah but that was a long time ago. Why do you ask?" I finally looked to him. His calm manner made me relax and I breathed a sigh of relief. "Did something happen? Did someone do something you didn't want them to?" I could hear the concern in his voice and swallowed hard.

I knew I could talk to Peat about it but what would he think if I told him it was a boy and not a girl? Would he think I was weird?

"Well..." I straightened my torso and turned more toward Peat. "Promise me you won't think weird of me." He nodded and continued to blink at me questioningly. "I...well. Boss..." "Boss?" He raised an eyebrow and a weird feeling spread through the pit of my stomach.

"Did he kiss you without you wanting him to?" Is he Master Yoda or something? I nodded hastily and pulled a pout. "And you think I'd judge you because it was a boy?" Again, I nodded. My goodness, he really is Yoda.

"Noeul... first of all, I don't care what gender you like. Love is love isn't it?" This statement reassured me, but why was rather unclear to me. "Yes... that's true..."

He looked at me silently for a brief moment and seemed to be thinking again. "What are you going to do now?" Irritated, I blinked at him and tilted my head questioningly. "What do you mean, what am I going to do now?" "Are you just going to let this happen to you, or are you going to confront him about how you don't like it?" I swallowed hard. In a way, I already had. After all, I called Boss an asshole and ran away.

I scratched the back of my head sheepishly, avoiding Peat's penetrating gaze. "Maybe I insulted him and then walked here." I mumbled my words and felt my cheeks flush red with charm, but Peat laughed. "You insulted him? Ouch." I shrugged, laughing a little myself.

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