Meeting Marshall

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One evening as Alexis is walking through her territory she soon spots a white and black dog laying unconscious on the ground and decides to go over to him immediately seeing his leg has a cut on it.

"Hmm. I wonder where you come from... but I guess that's not the concern right now. I should probably help you I just hope this doesn't come back to bite me." Alexis says as she carefully pick the dog up and onto her back before taking off running.


"Uh.. Where am I?" The dog asks as he starts to wake up.

"Oh good your awake." Alexis says causing the dog to instantly turn his attention to her.

"Who are you? Where am I?" The dog asks.

"I should be asking you that. Your in my territory. My name is Alexis and I found you injured and unconscious and brought you to my den. I already cleaned and bandaged your wound." Alexis says bluntly as the dog looks at the bandage around his leg.

"Oh... Thank you.. Um my name is Marshall." The dog says nervously.

"Well Marshall it's nice to meet you. now why were you in my territory? I smell of humans and have a dog tag so I know your not a wild dog." Alexis says as she moves around adjusting herself to a more comfortable laying position.

"Yea I'm actually Adventure Bay. I do have q home and a family. I got lost one day in the woods and ended up getting injured and falling unconscious. I guess I was lucky you found me." Marshall says kindly causing Alexis to look at him with curiosity.

"Perhaps but why would you call meeting me luck? If anything meeting a wolf would be cause for concern." Alexis says as Marshall looks at her.

"Maybe for some but you seem really nice. I bet your family loves having you around." Marshall says causing Alexis to fold her ears back sadly.

"Actually I don't have a family. I live alone and always have." Alexis says sadly.

"I'm so sorry." Marshall says feeling sorry for Alexis.

"Its ok.. I'm guessing your hungry aren't you?" Alexis asks hearing a growling noise.

"Yea.. I haven't eaten anything for two days.. Sorry.." Marshall says as he laughs nervously.

"Here you go then." Alexis says as she tosses Marshall a piece of meat as he sniffs it.

"Um no offense but I've never had raw meat before." Marshall says.

"It's not raw I cooked it." Alexis says as Marshall looks at her.

"Really? How?" Marshall asks curiously.

"Let's just say I have my ways." Alexis says as she smiles.

"Well thanks... That was delicious." Marshall says as as he eats half of the meat before tossing it back over to Alexis causing her to look at him.

"Why aren't you eating the rest?" Alexis asks.

"I just thought I would give you the rest. You know like sharing." Marshall says kindly.

"Oh um thanks.. Anyways your leg should be better in a few days. You may stay here and I will help you until you are better. But after that I expect you to leave my territory." Alexis says as Marshall folds his ears back.

"Well that's the thing. I don't really know where I am. I'm lost." Marshall says sadly.

"Well then I'll help you get back to your home then. I know the way to your home due to having visited the place once. I'll help you ok." Alexis says kindly as Marshall smiles and wags his tail

"Thanks! Your definitely the nicest wolf I've ever met." Marshall says happily.

"Your welcome now get some sleep. I'll get a better look at your wound in the morning." Alexis says as Marshall nods before the two lay down to fall asleep.


Later as Alexis is sleeping she wakes up to the sound of whimpering and shivering and looks to see Marshall is shivering and whimpering lightly. Alexis then gives him a sympathetic look before going over and laying closely next to him and falling asleep unaware she woke him as he looks at her and smiles slightly.

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