Pups Get a Lift

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"Give up Marshall you won't catch me." Alexis says as she is barking while Marshall is chasing her.

"Oh I can try." Marshall says as he is laughing chasing after Alexis before managing to catch up to her only to collide into her causing the two to stumble to the ground laughing.

"Hey I caught you finally." Marshall says as he is laughing.

"That you did. Now let me up please. Your heavier than you look." Alexis says as Marshall gets off her before their pup tags begin to beep.

"Paw patrol to the look out." Ryder says as he comes in on the pup tags.

"Ryder needs us." Marshall and Alexis say in union.

"Hey Marshall bet you can't beat me to the lookout." Alexis says as she barks playfully before taking off running for the lookout.

"Your on." Marshall says as he barks quickly following after Alexis.


"I win this time Marshall." Alexis says as she beats Marshall to the elevator as Rubble comes in before dropping a bag he was carrying.

"Our meatballs!" Rubble shouts as he goes over to the bag picking it up as Marshall comes in howling before colliding into rubble as the bag goes in the air and the meatballs go flying.

"Meatballs!" The pups shout in union as they each catch a meatball eating it.

"Most delicious wipe out I ever had." Marshall says as the group laughs before going up in the elevator getting changed as they then arrive at the top and get out into a line.

"Ready for action Ryder sir!" Chase says.

"Ok pups we have an emergency. Katie and Cali are stuck high up on a chairlift and it's getting cold. We have to get them down and fix the chairlift so people can keep having fun snowboarding. Let's see Marshall we need you and your ladder to help Katie and Cali get down." Ryder says as he pulls up the monitor explaining the situation.

"Ready for a ruff ruff rescue!" Marshall shouts.

"Rocky I'll need you and your tools from your pup pack to help fix the chairlift." Ryder says.

"Green means go!" Rocky shouts.

"And Alexis I would also like for you to come along. In a snowy environment like this your abilities might come in handy." Ryder says.

"The mountains are calling and I must go!" Alexis shouts.

"Alright paw patrol is on a roll!" Ryder says as he and the pups get moving.


"This way pups." Ryder says as the group arrives and head over to a snow bank.

"Are you alright Marshall?" Alexis asks seeing Marshall fall off the bank.

"I'm ok." Marshall says.

"Ryder up here!" Katie shouts as the group see her and Cali.

"Marshall can you get down there with your truck?" Ryder asks.

"I don't think so Ryder. It's too far down Ryder and too steep. Sorry." Marshall says.

"Alexis could you use your abilities to get them down?" Ryder asks as Alexis looks at how far up Katie and Cali are.

"Not at that height Ryder on this hill. I'm too afraid they'll fall if I make one wrong move. But I can at least go down to below their chair and stay there to catch them if one of them were to fall." Alexis says.

"Good thinking. While your doing that we'll work on finding a way to get them down safely." Ryder says as Alexis heads down the hill.


"Alexis is Ryder any closer to figuring out a way to get us down?" Katie asks as Alexis looks up at her.

"Well I see Rubble just got here so I'm gonna say he has something in mind. We'll get you down somehow Katie. Ryder won't give up." Alexis says as she hears Cali meowing.

"Please hurry. It's getting colder." Katie says as Alexis then looks over and sees Marshall heading right toward her on a snowboard before falling off it and rolling down the snow.

"Oh no." Alexis says as Marshall lands on her.

"Sorry Alexis. Do not try that at home." Marshall says as he shakes his head getting some of the snow off.

"Marshall as much as I enjoy playing with you do kindly get off so I can shake off the freezing cold snow." Alexis says shivering from the cold snow.

"Heh sorry. I'll make it up to you later for this." Marshall says as he lets Alexis up as she shakes off the snow before Rubble stops beside them on a snowboard.

"You ok buddy?" Rubble asks.

"Yea just crash landed on Alexis." Marshall says as Rubble laughs slightly before Ryder comes down to them on a snowboard.

"Hey Ryder what's the plan?" Rubble asks.

"We can't get Marshall's ladder down here and Alexis is too afraid to try and use her abilities to get Katie and Cali down so I thought we could build some stairs." Ryder says as the pups look at him confused.

"Huh? Stairs?" Rubble asks.

"We can make a giant snow staircase." Ryder says.

"A snow staircase like this." Rubble says as he gets to digging snow with his digger.

"This work nicely." Alexis says seeing Rubble immediately getting to work building the staircase.


"Looks like it's working." Marshall says as he is watching Ryder help Katie out of the chairlift.

"Yea a bit too well. Marshall watch out!" Alexis says seeing Cali bouncing down the staircase before crashing into Marshall as the two roll down the hill and into a support beam as everyone runs over to them.

"Cali are you ok?" Katie asks as Cali happily jumps into her arms.

"And how about you Marshall?" Ryder asks.

"I'm ok. I'm just not much of a snow pup." Marshall says.

"I wouldn't say that. The snow looks good on you." Alexis says earning a laugh from Marshall as he shakes the snow off.


"Hey Alexis I got you something." Marshall says as he places down a marshmallow.

"What is this?" Alexis asks sniffing it.

"It's a marshmallow. Jake gave us all one. Since you never come over to get yours I thought I would bring it to you. This is also my way of saying sorry for crashing into you..twice." Marshall says as he laughs nervously.

"Marshall you don't need to apologize. Yes it's a bit irritating you somehow always crashing into me but I enjoy being around you no matter how clumsy you are." Alexis says as Marshall smiles.

"I'm glad of that. I enjoy your company as well." Marshall says happily as Alexis wags her tail.

"So you wanna help me eat this marshmallow?" Alexis asks.

"Only if you'll come snowboarding with me now that Rocky has the lift fixed." Marshall says happily.

"Your on." Alexis says happily Marshall helps her eat the marshmallow before the two run off toward the lift.

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