Adventure Bay

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"I'm ready to go if you are." Alexis says as she is walking around the outside of her den with Marshall.

"Yea.. I guess today is the day." Marshall says as he looks down at the ground getting Alexis's attention.

"What's wrong? You seem troubled." Alexis says causing Marshall to look at her.

"I... well I kinda wish I could hang around you for a while longer. Your a great person and I wish I could get to know you better." Marshall says sadly.

"That's sweet Marshall but I'm sure your human and your friends are missing you. You've been gone for a week now and it's time you get home back where you belong. Now let's be going. We should be there before dark." Alexis says kindly.

"Alright then but promise me you'll at least visit." Marshall says causing Alexis to smile.

"I think I can promise to visit. Whenever you just want to get away and howl you'll be welcome at my den." Alexis says kindly.

"Thanks Alexis." Marshall says happily.

"Anytime Marshall." Alexis says happily as they get walking.


"Were not far from adventure bay now Marshall. It wont be long until your back home." Alexis says as Marshall wags his tail.

"I cant wait for you to meet Ryder and the other pups." Marshall says excitedly.

"Oh no Marshall I don't know about that. Remember I'm a wolf and I've never been around humans before. besides I don't know if he'll like me or your friends for that matter." Alexis says unsurely.

"Don't worry they will. you'll like them I promise. I just want you to meet them is all. I want them to know the wolf who has helped me for the time I've been gone." Marshall says happily as he smiles reassuringly at Alexis.

"I don- ah!" Alexis then gets cut off as she trips over a root and falls down a hill landing on her front paw yelping upon hitting the ground.

"Alexis! Are you alright!?" Marshall asks as he comes running over as Alexis whines slightly before licking her paw.

"I'm not sure. My paw really hurts." Alexis says as Marshall looks at her paw.

"You must of sprained it when you fell. I don't have my medic gear so I cant look at it right now. Looks like your gonna have to come with me all the way to the look out anyways." Marshall says.

"I'll be ok Marshall it's just a-ah!" Alexis then cuts herself off as she tries to get up and walk only to fall back down from her paw hurting.

"No your hurt. Come on lean your weight on me. I know a shorter path to the look out from here." Marshall says as he goes to beside Alexis.

"Are you sure Marshall?" Alexis asks as she looks at Marshall.

"I'm sure besides I owe you one." Marshall says as he smiles kindly.

"Oh ok. I don't like the idea of humans but you make a point." Alexis says as Marshall helps her up before letting her lean her weight onto him as they start walking.


"Were here. I'm going to get Ryder and the others so wait here ok Alexis." Marshall says as he and Alexis stop upon arriving at a tower at dusk.

"Alright." Alexis says as she lays down while Marshall leaves before returning with a human boy and five pups as Alexis growls when boy approaches her.

"Whoa girl. There's no need to be scared. I wont hurt you." The boy says calmly as he slowly goes over to Alexis while Marshall goes over to her.

"Alexis it's ok this is Ryder. He's gonna help you." Marshall says as Alexis looks at him before stopping her growling as Ryder gets on his knees in front of her before the other pups gather closely near by.

"I'm just going to take a look at your leg. I promise i wont hurt you. It may sting when I touch it but apart from that it shouldn't hurt." Ryder says as he examines Alexis's paw.

"So this is the girl you talked about?" A brown lab pup asks.

"She's really pretty." A cream colored pup says.

"And she's hurt as well. Looks like it's sprained badly. She'll need to rest for a few days but after that she should be ok. Rocky go through and make her a bed, water bowl, and food bowl please." Ryder says.

"Got it Ryder." A gray pup says as he takes off running.

"Chase can you go get me the medical kit?" Ryder asks.

"Sure thing." The german shepard pup says as he runs off.

"Skye please go get Alexis something to eat and drink." Ryder says

"Right away Ryder. I'll even get her a couple pup treats." The cream colored dog says as she runs off.

"She'll love those. I know I do." A light brown dog says happily as he wags his tail.

"Anything you want us to do Ryder?" the brown lab asks.

"For the moment no but later I'm gonna have you two help her to get around with her paw being injured. Just to make sure she doesn't put too much pressure on it until its healed." Ryder says as Alexis looks at him.

"Who are those two?" Alexis asks as she looks at Marshall.

"That's Zuma and Rubble. You'll like them they're great friends of mine." Marshall says as he smiles.

"Now let's get a look at that paw ok." Ryder says as Alexis looks at him unsurely but allowed him to look at her injured paw.


A few days later Alexis is walking around the look out at night after the pups have went to bed deciding to sneak out having her paw now healed.

"Where are you going Alexis?" A voice asks causing Alexis to stop and turn around seeing Marshall.

"Marshall.. I thought you were asleep." Alexis says.

"I was until I noticed you were gone. Are you leaving?" Marshall asks as Alexis gives a sad look.

"I'm sorry Marshall. I do want to stay around you a while longer but being around humans just isn't something I am comfortable with right now." Alexis says.

"But where will you go?" Marshall asks sadly.

"Back to my den I guess. It may not be much and its lonely but its home.. my only home." Alexis says.

"You could stay here." Marshall says as Alexis walks over to him.

"Marshall I do want to be around you but I'm a wolf and that's how it'll always be. A wolf just doesn't belong around humans." Alexis says.

"Well will you still keep your promise?" Marshall asks as he looks at Alexis.

"Of course Marshall. I'm come visit as soon as I can. My offer for you to visit is always open as well. You can even bring the other pups if you want." Alexis says kindly as she smiles softly.

"I guess I'll see you around then." Marshall says.

"Yea you too. Take care Marshall." Alexis says.

"You as well Alexis." Marshall says sadly before Alexis nuzzles him gently causing him to blush before she runs off howling as she runs.

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