Pup Pup Goose

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"Alexis the geese are coming! Wake up!" Marshall shouts as he sticks his head into Alexis's dog house seeing her sleeping.

"That's nice Marshall but let me sleep ok." Alexis says as she refuses to get up as Marshall smiles and shakes his head at her before leaving. After a little while Alexis feels something on her snout and opens her eyes to see a pair of eyes staring back at her causing her to scream from surprise and hit her head on her dog house before realizing it is a baby goose.

"I think this is yours." Alexis says as she goes over to Rocky, Rubble, Skye, Ryder, and Marshall seeing them with the flock of geese while carrying over the baby goose on her head.

"What do you think your doing silly goose?" Skye asks as she, Rubble, Marshall, and Rocky laugh.

"Well at least your awake to see the geese." Rubble says happily.

"Considering I hit my head on my dog house I figured it's safer out here." Alexis says as she lowers her head allowing the baby goose to hop off before it wanders over to a bucket ending up getting itself stuck in the bucket.

"I got him." Marshall says as he chases after the goose as it rolls down hill before getting it out of the bucket.

"Nice work Marshall." Ryder says seeing Marshall lead the goose back over to its flock.

"Marshall you have a new bgff!" Skye shouts happily.

"A new what?" Marshall asks as he looks at her.

"Best goose friend forever." Skye says as she and Marshall laugh as the goose chirps.


"Marshall what's wrong?" Alexis asks hearing a commotion as she sticks her head outside her dog house.

"It's Fuzzy. He's gone." Marshall says as he runs over to Alexis in a panic.

"Not good. His family has to leave soon with or without him. He can't have gone far. Go get Ryder and the others. Tell Ryder I'll search outside and see if I can't track him down." Alexis says as Marshall nods and runs to find Ryder as Alexis begins sniffing before finding Fuzzy's scent and starting to follow it.


"Alexis come in. Have you found Fuzzy yet?" Ryder asks as Alexis's dog tag glows.

"I found his scent Ryder but it appears to be leading to the train station. I'll keep following it." Alexis says.

"We'll head there and meet you there." Ryder says.

"Got it Ryder." Alexis says as she runs to the station before spotting Fuzzy wrapped in soda can ring preventing him from flying on the top of the train station while fighting with a gull for a peace of bread.

"Hold on Fuzzy. I'll get you down." Alexis says as she begins making her way climbing up to Fuzzy as she looks down at the ground.

"Oh man. Second thought maybe this wasn't such a good idea." Alexis says as she shakes her head before continuing carefully climbing over to Fuzzy and the gull before barking scaring the gull away from Fuzzy. Fuzzy then chirps happily seeing Alexis.

"Good to see you too Fuzzy but now we're both stuck. We need to just stay put until the others arrive." Alexis says while growling at the gull as it tries to come back but instead stays close buy watching Alexis and Fuzzy.


"Ryder we're up here!" Alexis shouts seeing Ryder arrive with Chase and Marshall.

"How did you get up there!?" Chase asks.

"I'll explain later just please get us down. I can't exactly move with Fuzzy or the gulls will be after us. I'm worried they'll cause us to fall or cause me to drop him." Alexis says.

"Alexis let Fuzzy fly down!" Marshall says.

"I can't! He's stuck in a soda can ring." Alexis says as the gull tries going near Alexis causing her to growl and snap at it before a piece of bread Fuzzy was hiding falls down to the ground as the gull chases it.

"Marshall quick use your ladder to get Alexis and Fuzzy down." Ryder shouts.

"I'm fired up." Marshall says as he heads to his truck while chases uses his net to keep the gull away from Fuzzy's piece of bread.

"Alexis hand me Fuzzy and climb down." Marshall says as he climbs onto the ladder using his hat to allow Alexis to place Fuzzy in it before she climbs back down with Marshall.

"Now let's get this off you." Ryder says getting the ring off Fuzzy before Fuzzy then flies onto Marshall's head causing him to fall onto the ground.

"I'm good." Marshall says as Fuzzy lands on Marshall's feet.


"Fuzzy there goes your flock. You need to catch up with them." Ryder says holding Fuzzy as his flock is flying off.

"Don't worry Fuzzy. When you fly back north we'll see you again and when you migrate back south you'll see us again." Marshall says.

"Uh Marshall Fuzzy needs to get going. Go ahead. Just keep flapping and you'll catch up." Ryder says as Fuzzy starts flying.

"Bye Fuzzy." Marshall says sadly as Fuzzy looks back at him and flies back to him.

"Ryder I don't think Fuzzy is gonna leave that willingly." Alexis says seeing Fuzzy sitting on Marshall's hat.

"If he doesn't leave now he'll never catch up. A little gosling belongs with his family Marshall." Ryder says as he walks over to Marshall.

"What can we do?" Marshall asks.

"I know." Ryder says as he gets an idea.


"Promise not to take this thing too high. Like higher than my nose?" Marshall asks as Ryder helps him strap into a harness on Skye's helicopter.

"Marshall you aren't afraid of heights. You just climbed to the roof of the train station." Skye says happily.

"Ok I'll do it." Marshall says determinedly.

"Let's take to the skies." Skye says as she takes off with her helicopter carrying Marshall in the harness with Fuzzy following after them.

"Remember Fuzzy whenever your in trouble just honk for help." Ryder says as he and the others meet Fuzzy and Marshall at the top of the lookout before seeing Marshall and Skye lead Fuzzy back to his flock.


"You guys did an awesome job today. What a bunch of good pups." Ryder says as the pups are playing with a jump rope before Marshall starts jumping and sees Chickaletta as he then trips and gets tangled up in the rope.

"Wow birds really do like you Marshall." Ryder says as he and Marshall laugh.

Wolf Pup Paw Patrol Marshall X OC AlexisTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon