all too well

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i bet me writing a rini oneshot is the last thing you guys expected and honestly, same.

but i've had this idea and i wanted to write it before i forget it

this is based on a tweet i saw and my add on to their headcanon


when ricky and nini were dating they used to plan their future together with pinterest boards

their further house, wedding, everything.

but it's been months since that day in the treehouse when they decided to break up
neither of them wanting to hold each other back so ricky left the treehouse holding his tears back as he took his dog tag off and left it on the table before walking out the door

ricky spent the next summer a theatre camp, the same one nini went to the year prior

while ricky was getting roped into a disney+ documentary, nini was out in los angeles working on her singing career

the school year starts again but things are different

nini isn't there, she decided to spend senior year in california with gina's older brother, jamie, to work on her music

while nini is making it big, the wildcats came back to east high now the stars of a documentary about their summer camps production of frozen the musical

even though gina confessed to ricky that she liked him, they decided that it wasn't a good idea for them to date because gina clearly wasn't over ej and ricky wasn't in the best place to be in a relationship right now

so one day after school, ricky was on pinterest, looking at skateboarding photos and song lyrics when he came across his and nini's old shared boards

he sees the one of their future wedding and notices that a new photo was added just the other day

he honestly forgot about those boards but guess nini didn't

ricky didn't understand why nini would be adding to the board

ricky doesn't know if he should text her and ask her about it

he knows she probably doesn't want to hear from him, she didn't even want to say goodbye to him before she left for good

he texted her on his birthday to thank her for the lottery ticket and she just replied with "no problem :)"
when they occasionally text, it's very dry and almost as if two strangers were texting

he decides to text her about it anyways as a friendly sort of thing

he send "noticed you updated the pinterest board, i can't believe you still remember it exists"

ricky doesn't expect her to reply straight away but after five minutes he gets a text back from her reading
"ofc i remember it! i saw this cute theme on my feed so i added it" followed by "do you want me to stop adding to the board? i can leave if it makes you comfortable"

he immediately texts back "no no! i don't mind, i was just surprised seeing that it was updated" "keep adding to it all you want"

"are you sure? i don't want gina to find it weird that i'm still adding to our dream wedding pinterest board" nini replies back

"what does gina have to do with this?" ricky texts back

"well aren't you dating her? i mean come on ricky, we all saw the documentary" nini's text read

ricky didn't know what to say to this
does he spill out all of his issues and drama to his ex girlfriend? knowing nini i'm sure she'd happily listen but would the two even be considered friends anymore?

ricky texts back "no nini, me and gina aren't dating. we decided that we wouldn't be a good couple"

out in california, nini is starring at ricky's text wonder what she should say next
she would ask why but she honestly doesn't want to hear about ricky being with another girl that isn't her

she wishes she was there over the summer and maybe her and ricky could've worked out all their problems

so she just texts back "oh i'm sorry"
then quickly types out "actually, i'm sorry for everything" and hesitates for a minute before sending that too

back in salt lake, ricky reads nini's text wondering what she's sorry for, so he asks just that

nini replies back with "you know, everything"

"i think i'm the one who should be apologizing" ricky says in reply

"well then i accept your apology"
"and i accept yours"

and that's all either of them needed to hear...or read

those words were not as much a closure, but a new beginning for their relationship, friends or dating, moving forward

and that was all they needed
oooo and that's the end!!

hope you enjoyed this one shot!

follow me on twitter @romanoffbassett because i'm way more active on there then on here


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