A Merry Rini Christmas

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hi so here's kinda my take on what i think is happening in this photo

2 days before Christmas...

Ashlyn: so if you guys don't have plans I was hoping that tomorrow for Christmas Eve, we can all go to my house for a Christmas Eve party
EJ: how many parties are you going to throw?
Ashlyn: as many as I want. who's in?
Carlos: I'm in! i have a christmas board game that I can bring
Gina: as long as you didn't make it
Carlos: don't worry i didn't
Seb: I'll be there!
Ricky: i'm down
Nini: i'll go!
Big Red: of course i'll go
Kourtney: i'll have to check but for all I know, I'm completely free
Ashlyn: great i'll see you all tomorrow!

Ricky: so um Nini
Nini: yeah what's up?
Ricky: so before Ashlyn's party tomorrow, can you come over to my house?
Nini: yeah sure! i'll need you to give me a ride to Ashlyn's anyways
Ricky: great! see you tomorrow!
Nini: bye!

Christmas Eve

Nini: hey sorry my moms kept stalling me
Ricky: no problem! i like you sweater, it is new?
Nini: oh yeah my Lola got it for me
Ricky: it looks really good on you
Nini: thanks you don't look to bad yourself
Ricky: ok come over here I want to give you your gift
Nini: i thought everyone was doing gifts at Ashlyn's?
Ricky: mine isn't really something you can open. I couldn't really afford to get any gifts this year, so i wrote you a song
Nini: ok lets here it!

At Ashlyn's

Ashlyn: well look who finally decided to join us
Nini: sorry we're late
Ashlyn: no problem come into the living room we're just getting the game set up
Nini: great!

that was the best christmas Ricky had in awhile

Merry Christmas everyone!
i hope you enjoyed this oneshot!

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