Every High School Romance Story

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Nini Salazar-Roberts is cheer captain at East High
Ricky Bowen is the quarterback for the football team
They've both been best friends since they could remember.
They never saw each other as anything more than friends
until March 7th, 2020
March 6th, 2020:
Ricky picks up Nini like he does everyday, the two are best friends but everyone thinks their dating cause they always act like a couple. holding hands, flirting, kissing each other on the head and cheek, just never on the lips, yet.

Ricky: Hey Bunny
Nini: Hey Ricky!
Ricky: What no pet name for me?
Nini: fine, Hey Bug.
Ricky: aww that ones new! i like it!
Nini: good cause it took me an hour to come up with something i haven't called you yet.
Ricky: an hour? jeez you must call me a lot of things
Nini: shut up let just go
Ricky: so are you excited for the game tonight?
Nini: yep! most importantly are you?
Ricky: ecstatic!
Nini: wow Bowen used a big boy word!
Ricky: shut it neens
Nini: ok i'll stop.

At School:
Girls would always try to get with Ricky and boys would always try to get with Nini but neither of them were interested in a relationship. Hmmm i wonder why...

Random Girl: So Ricky, wanna hang out after the game, you know just you and me?
Ricky: sorry but me and Nini are gonna hang out after the game
Random Girl: well she can come, and be the third wheel. i'll be the second of course
Ricky: sorry i don't have time for a relationship right now.
Random Girl: ughh i hate how you always talk to that Nini girl and never have time to go on dates with other girls, she should let you be happy.
Ricky: well that's the thing, i'm happy without a girlfriend. bye random girl i don't even know
Random Girl: HEY! my name is Kaylee
Ricky: nice meeting you Katie!

At the game:
East High was winning (obviously)
and when Nini should be focusing on the whole team, she was only looking at one who was her best friend, Ricky Bowen.
She had full on heart eyes and then it hit her.

She fell for her best friend..

The Next Day:
it's the next day which means that it's Saturday!
Ricky texted Nini that he wanted them to hang out and Nini got super excited.
She knew Ricky didn't feel the same way she did so she tried to be cool with him like she always does.

Ricky: Hey Princess!
Nini: that ones new.
Ricky: i saw it on a show and i thought it was cute.
Nini: i think it's cute too

a few hours later and the two were at an empty parking garage just siting in the trunk of Ricky's truck.
they were watching High School Musical on Nini's laptop until suddenly Ricky paused the movie.

Nini: why'd you pause it? it's just at the good part
Ricky: cause i wanted to say something and now feels like the right time to say it
Nini: ok then what is it? What's so important you had to pause High School Musical to tell me?
Ricky: ok here it goes..

Ricky: Nini, i realized something the other day and it's been bugging me ever since. we've been best friends for almost 12 years, and every year just gets better as we get older and realize things. the other day at practice i saw you watching me and when you looked away i started starring at you, but like, in a way i never have before. so you're probably wondering what the point of this is so i'll just get to it.
Nini, i really, really like you. not as a friend but more, and if you don't like me back that's fine just say it and i'll understand

And then Nini puts her lips right on his and that made Ricky very surprised.

Nini: i've been waiting to do that for awhile
Ricky: yeah, me too.
Nini: Ok lets get back to watching the movie!
Ricky: hold on one more thing
Nini: what is it?
Ricky: will you be my girlfriend?
Nini: YESSS!

and then they kissed again!

and then they continued to watch the movie.

And that's that one shot!
this is my favorite so far!
i hope you enjoyed!

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