Indiana Boy

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Plot: Nini and Ricky are dating but a new kid moves to SLC from Indiana and tries to take Nini away from Ricky.
"Good Morning class! Today we have a new student!"
"ooo, I wonder what the new kid is going to be like" says Nini
"How about you introduce yourself?" Says the teacher, Ms. Willow
"Hi, my name is Jason Wheeler, I'm from a small town in Indiana and I hope we can all be friends!"

"He says he's from Indiana, I wonder if he's talking about the so called 'cursed town'." Says nini
"That's just a stupid story from the 80s that our parents tell us about" Ricky replies.
"Yeah I guess so, I don't know but the way he dresses you can tell his parents think this is still the 1980s" nini pointed out.
"Yeah true. Well I have to go to next period, I'll see you later" says Ricky
"Bye Babe"
*ricky kisses nini on the cheek*
"Hey are you that cute girl that's in my math class" says Jason
"Are you trying to flirt with me?" Nini replied
"Why are you attached to it? Do me" Jason said still trying to flirt
"I don't what your doing right now but if you think I like you, I don't, I have a boyfriend." Nini says and walks away.

"she will be mine" says Jason
A week goes by and Jason does everything to get Nini to like him
One day Nini was talking to her friends and gets pulled by who she thought was Ricky.

"Hey babe, how you doing?" Jason flirts
"First off I'm not your 'babe' I told you I had a boyfriend! And second I'd be doing a lot better if you were out of my life!" Nini snaps back.
"Woah chill out there cutie, I'll let you go on one condition. You have to kiss me!" Says Jason
"Ok" Nini replies.

Then she kissed him




"Why would you kiss my fingernail? Questioned Jason
"You didn't say where." Nini replied

Then after Nini left Jason got stuck in the old storage closet and that was last time anyone heard from Jason Wheeler.
Rumor has it that Jason moved back to Indiana
And the one rumor that was true is that he did live in the cursed town, and his mom was a murderer.

He lived in

You guessed it

Hawkins, Indiana

And that's all for this one shot! Sorry this kinda sucked
Anyways thanks for reading!

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